Tiny Trolls (davekat)

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Dave's P.O.V

Today was the day we would finally be meeting the trolls in person. At least, the ones who were left. Karkat, Terezi, and Kanaya. Well, Gamzee too but fuck if I was going anywhere near that insane clown. I was not down with that particular clown. I landed on the surface of the meteor and looked around with Rose next to me. They didn't seem to be up here yet. Or at least that's what I thought. Then, I felt a tug on my pants and heard a small but angry voice yell up at me. "DOWN HERE FUCKWAD! SINCE WHEN ARE YOU SO TALL?!" I looked down and saw what I guessed to be Karkat, Terezi, and Kanaya. They were so tiny! They were the size of squirrels standing on their hind legs. "Aww! You're adorable! You never told me you guys were this small TZ!" "YOU N3V3R S41D YOU W3R3 TH1S T4LL D4V3!" Terezi replied. "Yes. I Don't Think Any Of Us Were Prepared For Our Size Differences." Kanaya pitched in. Rose chuckled and I smirked as I got an idea. I reached down and picked Karkat up by the back of his sweater. "HEY! PUT ME DOWN NOOKWIPE!" "Sorry but no." I responded, dangling him in the air. He kicked and punched at the air while I watched and chuckled. Terezi was laughing as well and Kanaya and Rose had almost identical amused smiles on their faces. Eventually, he got tired and stopped. "PUT ME DOWN ASSHOLE!" Karkat yelled. "But you're so tiny and easy to hold!" I said. He growled although is size made it seem almost like a purr to me. I chuckled again. "Mind if I take this a while?" I asked, shaking Karkat a little. Terezi continued to laugh, almost falling over now, while Kanaya responded. "I Do Not Mind At All Dave. Go On Ahead." Rose looked at me with a grin. "Be back soon, though." I nodded and entered the inside of the meteor, still carrying Karkat with me. He was yelling insults and profanity at me but I wasn't listening. I found an empty room and went inside, closing the door behind myself. I sat with my back to the door and placed Karkat in the palm of my hand. He glared and hissed at me. I couldn't help but chuckle. "You know, you're pretty cute this tiny." I said. He growled but I saw a bit of a red blush on his cheeks that I don't think he noticed. I smirked. "FUCK YOU." He mumbled. That reminded me. I had been going to tell Karkat how I felt about him today. Then, his size had distracted me. "You know, your size isn't the only thing that makes you adorable." His blush increased but still wasn't noticeable to himself. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN FUCKWAD?" He was still angry about me picking him up and now he was flustered as well. I shrugged. "I don't know. You're just really cute. Funny too." "R-REALLY?" He asked almost too quietly for me to hear. "Well... Yeah..." There was a long and awkward pause. I heard Karkat grumble something eventually but couldn't hear what it was. "What was that dude?" "N-NOTHING!" "Ok...?" "YOU'RE PRETTY CUTE YOURSELF..." He mumbled, a little louder this time. I smirked. "Oh really?" His face flushed bright red and he nodded. "Why thank you!" I thought for a moment. Now would be the perfect time. I gathered myself and spoke. "Karkles... There's something I want to tell you." Karkat looked at me curiously. "WHAT WOULD THAT BE MR.COOL KID?" I chuckled at his insult before getting serious again. "Well... I really like you Karkat. In a romantic sense." Karkat's face lit up with a bright red blush. He right away attempts to hide in his sweater. I looked down. He obviously didn't like me back. I gently placed him on the ground and stood to leave when his voice stopped me. It was muffled through his sweater but I heard him say, "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, IDIOT?" I didn't turn. "The surface." "WHY?" "You don't love me so why stay and make this awkward? I'll just stay on the surface and away from you." "FOR THREE YEARS?" I shrugged and I heard him chuckle. "YOU STUPID NOOKSNIFFER. I DO LOVE YOU. I JUST DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE MY BLOOD COLOR..." I turned to Karkat and decided it was better if I didn't tell him I had already seen it. "Why?" "BECUASE IT'S WEIRD..." I laughed. "Everything about you trolls is weird to me." I laid down in front of him. Karkat peeked his eyes out and looked at me. "DO YOU PROMISE NOT TO TELL THE OTHERS?" I smiled. I still didn't know why he hid it from them but oh well. "I promise." He slowly revealed his still red face. I reached out and gently touched his face with two fingers. "You're adorable when you blush." He grinned and we sat there staring at each other for a bit. Karkat spoke up first. "DAVE... NOW THAT YOU'VE SEEN MY BLOOD COLOR... COULD I SEE YOUR EYE COLOR?" I tensed. I had never shown anyone my eyes. It took a moment but I nodded. I reached up to my shades and removed them. I watched as his eyes widened. "DAVE. THEY'RE... BEAUTIFUL." I smiled wide. "Glad to hear you think so Karkat." We sat for a while longer. "DOES THIS MEAN WE'RE MATESPRITES?" "What?" "MATESPRITES DAVE. THE RED QUADRANT?" "Oh! Like boyfriends. Definitely." He rolled his eyes at my lack of knowledge about troll romance. "WHATEVER. WE SHOULD GET BACK UP." "Yeah. Let's go." I put my shades back on before I picked Karkat up and placed him on my palm. He sat down and I carried him to the surface. Everyone was talking about our plan for when this was all over. We jumped into the conversation pretty easily. We didn't mention our relationship but by the smirks Rose was giving me it was probably obvious. Oh well. We were together and that was what mattered. 

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