Forgiveness (Erisol)

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(This is after they've both died and are in the dream bubbles.)

Sollux's P.O.V

"Wwhy did Aradia tell me to come here?" I hear a voice say. Oh gog, not him. I can't see him obviously but that accent is undeniable. It's the douchebag who blinded me in the first place. "Ed?" "Sol? Wwhy are you here? Wwhere's Aradia?" "II could ask you the same thing. II can't see thanks to you so II have no iidea where Aradia went after dropping me here." I hear a sigh. "Look, Sol, I wwasn't thinking straight wwhen I blinded you. I'vve had a lot of time to think since being chainsawwed in two by Kanaya and I see noww that I wwas blinded myself. I wwas blinded by rage and a wwanting to be purposeful and to survvivve." So that's how the little fucker had died. Served him right. But... He seemed honestly sad when he spoke. "Ok, so you're sorry for bliinding me but what about Fef! What about Kanaya! Fef iis dead and Kanaya would be iif iit weren't for her beiing a raiinbow driinker!" This fucker really pissed me off sometimes. I swear if my eyes still were able to spark they would be right now. "I'm sorry for that too! And the matriob! I'vve spoken to Kanaya and she forgivves me... Although I don't see a reason for her too... I saww Fef too and... She's happy. She forgivves me. I don't deservve it but she forgivves me... I don't blame you for not wwanting to forgivve me. I hurt you so much... I should just go..." I hear the swish of a cape so he must've turned around to leave. I don't know why but I felt sorry for the guy. Something told me he really was sorry. Something made me want to forgive him. "Ed, wait." The words come out before I can stop them. I hear another swish as he turns back. "II forgiive you. You weren't the only one having emotional trouble... II just had someone to help with miine. You diidn't. That's not your fault." I hear a few clanking footsteps. I wish I could see where we were. It was annoying being blind sometimes. Ed's voice was closer when he spoke again. "No. I didn't deservve anyone to help me. I had that wwith Fef and I only hurt her. I once again couldn't see past myself. I nevver seem to be able to look past myself." I frowned. What, was he turning into past me? Depressed all the time? Hating himself? This was not the douchebag I knew before. This Ed really had thought hard and he really thought he was a terrible person. Before I would've felt happy about him realizing his actions were bad but now it hurt to hear him feel like this. He wasn't the only person who had changed for the better. "You know, bliinding me actually diid some good, though." "Hmm? Really?" "Yeah, the voiices that had been haunting me my whole liife disappeared after that. And iit caused Kk to drop my unconsciious boy down some staiirs which knocked out my teeth whiich got riid of my liisp." I heard a slight chuckle from Ed and I smiled. "Did Karkat really drop you dowwn stairs?" I nodded and Ed laughed again. "Wwhat else has happened since I died?" "A lot really. II'm sure theres some thiings that happened after my death two but II don't know." "Wwell, tell me wwhat you do knoww." It takes a while but I explain to him the premise of what happened up to until I died. "And that's where my story ended." I finish. The entire time Ed had been entirely silent, listening intently to what I had to say. "Wwoww... A lot has happened since I died..." "Yeah..." We stand in silence for little longer until I hear a voice behind me. "Good to see you two are getting along!" "Aradia! Wwhere havve you been! I'vve been wwaiting for you!" Ed says. I turn a bit out of instinct despite knowing that I wouldn't be able to see her. "Sorry! I was called away for a moment! Hope you weren't waiting too long! I've been meaning to talk to you both together for a long while!" I could almost hear the smirk in her voice. It felt nice to know Aradia could feel again. To know she was whole. To know she was happy. "What iis iit you wanted to talk about?" "Just about how things are between you! I don't want to have you fighting across dream bubbles!" I smirked. "Actually, we sorta worked that out wiithout you. We're cool." "That's wonderful! Oh! I have to go again! Bye!" I heard the fluttering of wings before I turned to Ed again. "Wwhat should wwe do noww?" He asked. "II don't know. What do you feel liike doiing?" There was a brief pause. "This." I was confused for a moment before I felt a warmth against my hand. He was holding my hand. I felt warmth overcome my checks and they were definitely bright yellow. What was he doing? Why did this feel so right? Was he flushed for me? Was I flushed for him? I didn't know. I was so confused. "The sun is setting. I wwish you could see it." Ed broke the silence. I sighed and tried to imagine the last sun set I had seen. It had been a long time. "Ed..." "Yeah Sol?" "Are you actually flushed for me? Or iis thiis another of your desperate attempts to fiill a quadrant. II really need to know." There was a moment's pause. "No. I'm really flushed for you. I tried to hide it. Evven from myself, but noww I see that I alwways lovved you. I just didn't wwant to be in lovve so loww on the spectrum. Noww I see that it doesn't matter wwhat color your blood is. I still am flushed for you and that's all that matters." I smile. "That's good because... II'm flushed for you. II wasn't flushed for the old you. The douchebag you. II liike thiis you. II love thiis you. Can thiis you be my matespriit?" "Yes. I wwill Sol. I wwill be your matesprit. I lovve you. I'm flushed for you." "II'm flushed for you two."

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