Confidence (Tavros x Reader)

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(I've decided I'm going to try my hand at x reader fics! At least two of them. Tell me if I miss anything and let me know what you think of the story!)

(Y/N = Your Name, B/C = Blood Color, H/D = Horn Description, S/D = Symbol Description)

Reader's P.O.V

I was talking to Tavros over Trollian. "hEY,,, Y/N?" "Yeah Tavros?" "i WAS JUST WONDERING,,, yOU DON'T EVER SEEM TO TALK ABOUT ROMANCE,,, nOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT! iT'S JUST,,, aLL THE OTHER TROLLS I KNOW TALK ABOUT IT AT LEAST EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE BUT I'VE NEVER HEARD YOU TALK ABOUT IT AND,,," "Yeah Tavros?" Tavros tends to ramble when he's nervous. You couldn't imagine what had him nervous right now, though. "i WAS JUST WONDERING IF YOU HAD ANYONE PARTICULAR IN MIND FOR ANY OF YOUR QUADRANTS OR,,," You blushed B/C. You could imagine Tavros's cheeks flushing brown. Truth was you did. For someone in mind for your flushed quadrant. You had a massive flush crush on Tavros. "Well... Umm... Sorta..." "sORRY,,, dID I MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE? yOU DON'T HAVE TO SHARE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO Y/N." Oh, but you did. You were just afraid. What would he think? What if he was flushed back? Why was this happening right now? Slowly you type on your keyboard. "It's not that... It's just... Well..." Your face was absolutely covered in B/C. "I... I'm... I'm flushed for... I'm flushed for you!" You finally sent the message. There was a long pause. You could feel the tears in your eyes even if they weren't falling. After a long time there was another message. "uMM,,," "I knew it. I fucking knew it. Why did I tell you. Of course, you're not flushed for me. You're too innocent for that. I didn't even expect any thoughts about romance to come to you at all..." You felt a singular B/C tear stream down your face. Then another. And another until your entire face was wet and you could barely see the computer screen through the tears. Why did you fall for the innocent one? Why?! It didn't make fucking sense. "Y/N NO! i'M NOT NEARLY AS INNOCENT AS YOU THINK,,, yOU SEE,,, i'VE ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT THIS A LOT BECAUSE,,, i'VE BEEN FLUSHED FOR YOU FOR A WHILE,,, i DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO TELL YOU,,, jUST LIKE ALWAYS,,, i WAS A COWARD,,," You shot to your screen. What?! He was flushed for you?! Had been for awhile?! Shit! You thought back. How stupid could you have been! Looking back, the signs had always been there! Of course, he was fucking nervous! He never was brave and the incident with Vriska hadn't helped at all! You face palmed before typing quickly. "Tavros! You are not a coward! Any sane person is scared on this planet! Especially after what happened to your legs! Honestly, I'm surprised how brave you are knowing that every day you could be culled for your disability!" "tHANKS Y/N,,, iS IT OK IF I COME OVER TO YOUR HIVE?" "Of course Tavros. But first. Does this mean we're matesprits?" "oF COURSE Y/N. i'M FLUSHED FOR YOU!" You smile in pure joy. "Me too Tavros. I'm flushed for you. Come on over." He logged off and you did as well before standing up. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the black screen with your H/D horns and your S/D symbol on your shirt. You smiled and wiped away the few remaining B/C tears off your face. You started walking around and cleaning the floor in preparation of Tavros's four-wheeled device. You heard a knock on your door. You went and sure enough, Tavros was waiting for you on the other side. You bent down and hugged him, happier than you ever had been before to see him. He hugged back as tight as he could. When you pulled apart again, you helped him inside and led him to your respite block. You quickly realized it would be incredibly uncomfortable to talk to him with your difference in height. You looked at your couch and got an idea. "Tavros, can you close your eyes for a minute?" Tavros looked confused but he nodded and closed them. You walked over and... "wOAH! Y-Y/N! wHAT ARE YOU DOING!" You picked him up and carefully sat him back on the couch. He was heavy but it was worth it. He looked at you once he realized what you had done. "tHANK YOU, Y/N,,, tHAT WAS KIND OF YOU TO THINK OF,,," You smiled and sat down next to him. You leaned in close, careful not to let you horns hit him, and give him a sweet kiss on the lips. You both blush as you pull away. "fLUSHED FOR YOU Y/N" "Flushed for you Tavros. Flushed for you too." 

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