The red thread

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(really been cranking out the stories this weekend. Just got so many ideas!)

Dirk's P.O.V

I woke up and stretched. I remember that something important was happening today but I couldn't remember what at first. Then, I glanced down at the red thread attached to my finger and remembered. It was my 18th birthday. Also known as the day I would find my soulmate. At the age of 18 your soulmate and you would be attached by a red thread visible only to the two of you. If your soulmate was younger than you when you reached 18 they wouldn't be able to see the thread and you were supposed to keep it a secret from them until they reached 18. On your 18th birthday, you would be sent out of the house alone to search for your soulmate. You could only return after finding them unless it was an emergency. I sighed as I got up. I lived alone but I still wanted to follow tradition. Besides, it would be interesting to find my soulmate. I just hoped they were already 18. I would never be able to keep it a secret from them. Just as I was about to leave, my computer dinged with a message. It was my best friend Jake. He had already reached 18 but his soulmate hadn't. He refused to tell anyone who it was. "Good morning chap! Hope you haven't left yet!" I sat down and messaged him back. "Not yet. What's up?" "Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!" I smiled. Jake was a sweet guy. "Thanks. I'm going to go. Talk to you later. Hopefully, after I've found them." "See ya! Hope everything goes swimmingly!" I logged out of the chat and looked down to my finger. Might as well get his show on the road. The string led out the door and I followed. It led down the street and along many blocks. I took breaks every once and awhile but never for long. I was impatient. Soon, the string led to a house just out of the city. I walked up to the door and steeled myself for whoever might be on the other side. I knocked slowly and the door opened. Standing on the other side was a grinning Jake. I glanced down at my finger and his hand. The thread connected us both. "So that's why you never told me who your soulmate was..." Jake laughed. "Yep." I thought a moment. I had never really thought about falling in love before. I always figured that if the thread said they were my soulmate then that was that. The more I thought about it the more I realized. I loved Jake. Had even before the thread. I just hadn't even noticed it myself. I smiled and stepped into Jake's house. I had never been here before. Jake had never been to my apartment either. We only really talked at school or over pesterchum. It felt right to be in this home. It felt right to be next to Jake. He closed the door behind me before grabbing my hand. I was shocked for a moment before closing my fingers around his. Slowly the thread on our hands faded. We didn't need it anymore. We had found each other. He led me to a room with a TV already set and ready to play a movie. "You've been waiting for me haven't you." Jake blushed. "It's only natural chap!" I laughed. "Yes. Now let's start this up shall we?" We sat down on the couch and Jake snuggled on my chest. It felt right. It felt good. I wrapped my arm around him as we watched the movie. He was entranced by it the whole time. He really wasn't exaggerating when he said he loved movies. That was adorable. After it was over Jake looked up at me with wonder in his eyes. I smirked. "Let me guess. You loved it?" Jake laughed. "You know it!" There was pause. "Dirk... Could you take off your shades? I want to see your eyes." I frowned. I had never shown anyone my eyes. Slowly, I reached to my face and pulled them off. Jake stared at them for a moment. "They're... Amazing! Why do you keep them hidden! They're beautiful!" I smiled and felt a light blush on my face. "They're not normal... Before I met you I didn't own my glasses and got teased for them. When I told Bro, he gave me my shades and now I never take them off." Jake frowned and shifted so our chests were against each other. He reached up and held my face in one hand. "They were stupid. Your eyes are amazing. I love them. I love you." God his accent was adorable. He was adorable. I loved him so much. "And I love you. I love you too Jake." He smiled and leaned in. Closing the already small distance between our lips. It was the first kiss we had ever had and I would treasure it forever.

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