The Gamer and The Prince(erisol)(humanstuck)

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(Thanks once again to SwirlingDarkness for the idea!)

Eridan's P.O.V

I woke up and looked at my arm. More random computer jargon and video game cheat codes covered it. I shook my head. Apparently, my 'soulmate' had another late night last night. I grabbed a pen and started to write on my other arm. 'You really should go to sleep earlier.' There was a pause before words in a much sloppier handwriting to my own cursive appeared under it. 'Fuck off. II sleep when II want two.' I sighed. Stubborn and confusing as ever. 'Wwhatevver.' I wrote back before getting up and stretching. Time to get ready for the day. I took a shower, taking extra care for my hair, before putting on one of my more casual outfits. I debated putting on my cape but decided against it. I was just doing a little shopping. No need to look my absolute best. I lastly checked my arm one last time. There was a new message. 'What are you doiing today?' 'Shopping. Wwhy?' 'No reason.' I was suspicious but shrugged it off and left for the store.

Sollux's P.O.V

I put my pen down on my table and leaned back in my chair. Today I was finally ready to meet my 'soulmate'. He had said he would be shopping today. There was only one store that was fancy enough for his tastes. I threw on an outfit and went out the door. I couldn't believe today would be the day I would finally meet him. Sure, ED could be annoying as hell but he was sweet at heart. I drove to the store and began searching. I saw several people but none of them fit how I saw ED. He had described himself several times during some of his more narcissistic rants. Then, I turned down one last aisle, about to give up. It was him! I walked up with my t-shirt sleeves high enough that you could see the marks on my skin. I went up to ED and pretended to look at what was on the shelf. Really, I was examining ED. He was a bit different than I imagined. Shorter, less muscular, and his fashion sense was pretty strange. I guess he had over exaggerated himself more than I thought. He was still pretty cute. ED glanced at me and I quickly looked away from him. I felt his eyes look over me and I caught a look of his face from the corner of my eye as he did a double take of my arms. I saw him glance at his own sleeves. I suppressed a smile as he rolled up his sleeves and saw the codes I knew all too well. I continued to pretend to be looking at the shelf until I felt ED tap on my shoulder. I turned to him and saw he had rolled up both his sleeves. He made one last move to roll up the last one a little more before speaking. "My name is Eridan. Although you should already knoww that... I believve you to be my soulmate. Or at least that's wwhat evveryone wwould havve us believve. Gog I'm bad at this... You're Sollux right?" I smirked. Not as high and mighty as you thought huh ED. "Yeah." I replied. There was an awkward pause. "You almost done?" I finally asked. He nodded. "You want to come and hang out at my house when you're done completely?" He smiled. "Sure." We talked and walked as he finished up and it wasn't long before it was time to head to my place. "Here, II'll wriite the address on my arm so you can take your car." He nodded and I took out a pen I had brought with me just in case and wrote down my address. I waved to him as we split up to get into our separate cars. I got to my house first and waited outside for ED. He soon arrived and we walked inside. We talked some more while sitting on my couch. It was fun to talk to him. Even if he could get really annoying sometimes. Eventually, we decided to watch a movie. ED ended up getting really emotional over the movie for reasons I didn't understand. I moved closer and he buried himself in my chest. I was surprised but let him stay there. I petted his hair and held him close. Soon, he calmed down and looked up at me. He was so adorable. I smiled at him. "You good my liittle priince?" He growled a little at my nickname but nodded. "Good. II hate seeiing you sad." ED smiled. "I lovve you Sol." "II love you two ED." 

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