Sleepover Woes (pale nepquius)(humanstuck)

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Third Person P.O.V

Nepeta giggled as she laid down in the bed she was sharing with her best friend Equius for the night as he slept over. The day had been filled with fun and now they both were pretty tired. Both of them were wearing pajamas as they got comfortable. Equius smiled at the giggling Nepeta happily before yawning. ":33 > Quite the mighty yawn there Equius." She teased lightly, giggling again. Equius chuckled. "D--> Yes. D--> I am MIGHTLY tired after all." Nepeta giggled again. ":33 > I am as well." "D--> Then let us get some rest." Nepeta nodded and closed her eyes, easily drifting off to sleep. She was awoken a few hours later, however, when she was kicked in the thigh by Equius. She frowned and let out a small hiss before trying to get back to sleep only to have Equius flip over and push her to the very edge of the bed. She growled lightly and tried to push him away only to find him too heavy to move. She shook him to try and wake him and saw him stir slightly before going still again, still taking up the entire bed. She growled, knowing he was awake as he had always been a light sleeper and the slightest push would wake him. ":33 > Equius you're taking up the whole bed can you please move." There was silence for a moment before Nepeta spoke again. ":33 > I know you're not asl33p you jerk." Silence again but now there was a slight smile on Equius's face that it was obvious he was trying to hide. ":33 > I will kung fu kick you out of this bed." Nepeta tried to sound angry but she couldn't help but smile. It was rare for Equius to be playful like this so it made her happy. Equius opened his eyes, the small smile on his face growing a bit. "D--> I wish to see you try." He challenged playfully. Nepeta giggled a bit before pouncing on him, tickling his sides. He laughed which was something not heard by anyone but Nepeta. She giggled with him as the slightly stronger, but not by much, male rolled them over and tickled her. They continued to wrestle and play fight for quite a while before they both were panting and tired. They both smiled and laid down. ":33 > Goodnight Equius." "D--> Goodnight Nepeta." With that, they both fell asleep happily.

(sorry this is so short and took so long. I've been suffering from a major drop in motivation to do anything and that mixed with minor writer's block has made it hard to write. I hope this is still up to par anyway.)

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