I'll Take Care Of You(blind!Dirk) (DirkJake)

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Third person P.O.V

After the incident, Dirk was never the same. He lost his sight that day. The day after Jake English arrived at his home. He had quickly volunteered to help Dirk after finding out about his friend's new blindness. Dirk had gone into a depression almost as his new infliction stopped him from enjoying most of the things he used to enjoy. He couldn't make robots, watch anime, watch MLP, or even strife all that well anymore. Rapping was still available but less fun without sight. Jake was determined to get Dirk back to normal again and happy. Well, as happy as the stoic and confusing Strider had ever been. This proved to be extremely difficult though. It seemed no matter what Jake tried Dirk just refused to be happy again. Jake sighed as he sat down on the couch where Dirk spent most of his time. Dirk turned towards the sound. "Everything alright Jake?" Jake shook his head before remembering Dirk couldn't see it and speaking. "No. I've tried everything I can think of to make you happy again but nothing seems to work!" He sighed angrily. There was a faint smirk on Dirk's face for a fraction of a second before it was gone again. Jake hadn't seen it. "Sorry dude." Dirk said simply. "No no it's not your fault. I should know you can't force happiness." Dirk moved closer, following his voice, and pulled him into a hug. Jake was surprised by the sudden show of affection but hugged back nonetheless. "I'm sorry Dirk. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Dirk shook his head. "No Jake. I'm sorry. Everything you've done to help me... And I can't even smile for you..." Jake started to gently rub his back. "It's not your fault that being blind makes it hard to enjoy things." Dirk sighed and while Jake couldn't see it from the position they were in Dirk was smiling just a bit. "Thank you Jake. Thank you for everything." Jake was about to say, 'your welcome' when Dirk muttered something almost inaudible. "I love you Jake..." Jake was shocked by the confession and at first was speechless. After a bit, when Dirk began to worry he had made a mistake, Jake finally spoke again. "I love you too Dirk." Both boys were smiling wide now as they pulled back from the embrace just enough for a kiss. 

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