Best prom ever (Gamtav) (humanstuck)

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(Two short stories in one day! Shorter than normal but still! I hope you all enjoyed!)

Tavros's P.O.V

I sighed as I rolled out of my house. I was slightly glad to have an excuse to not go to prom but it also hurt to know I wouldn't be going just because I was scared. I was a coward at heart despite how confident I tried to act. At least this could be fun. I always had found slam poetry interesting. I rolled down to the nearby cafe where they were holding a slam poetry night. People would present slam poetry they made, people would discuss popular slam poetry, and there was even a popular slam poets there to give us advice on writing slam poetry. I had brought along a slam poem I had made about how people thought that just because I couldn't use my legs, that I was weaker than them and couldn't do things myself. When I got there, I looked around and rolled up to an empty handicapped friendly table. I didn't recognize anyone at first. I wasn't expecting too. All other kids my age would probably at prom or at home. I smile a bit as the poet steps on stage with his microphone. "Welcome everyone! I hope you're all excited! To start, let's have some volunteers to read some slam poetry they've written!" People raised their hands and read. Soon, I gathered enough courage to raise my own hand and got called on as well. I went up and read my poem, trying my best not to stutter. When I finished, people clapped politely and someone helped me get back down from the stage. I thanked them and rolled back to my seat. Someone else went up and I recognized them. It was Gamzee. He and I shared some classes together and he was really nice. He still was wearing his signature makeup on his face and had his sleepy grin and half lidded eyes. For some reason, the whole time he read, I couldn't pull my eyes away from him. I had never noticed how much his smile could light up a room. I never noticed how relaxing his eyes could be. He was strangely entrancing. When he came back, he looked around. He saw the empty seat next to me and came over. "YoU mInD iF i SiT hErE tAvBrO? sOmE oThEr MoThErFuCkEr ToOk My SeAt." I smiled. "iT'S FINE. yOUR POEM WAS,,, uH,,, iNTERESTING." "ThAnKs. YoUrS tOo TaVbRo." We talked and listened as the poems were read and the poet spoke. I was having a lot of fun. Mostly because I got to share the time with Gamzee. I didn't know why, but spending time with him was the best time I had spent in a long time. After the event was over, it was 8:00 pm. "hEY,,, gAMZEE?" "YeAh TaVbRo?" "wOULD YOU MIND WALKING ME HOME? i DON'T FEEL SAFE GOING ALONE WITH MY,,, dISADVANTAGE,,," "I wOuLdN't MiNd At AlL mY bRoThEr. It WoUlD bE mY pLeAsUrE." I grinned at Gamzee and he helped wheel me out and onto the street. When we arrived at my place, I turned around to look at Gamzee and said, "iT WAS A LOT OF FUN HANGING OUT WITH YOU TONIGHT. mORE FUN THAN I EVER WOULD HAVE HAD AT PROM." "I aGrEe CoMpLeTeLy TaVbRo." Slowly, Gamzee leaned down so we were eye to eye. "uH,,, wHAT ARE YOU DOING GAMZ-" Gamzee quieted me with a kiss. I was shocked but slowly melted into it. It was amazing. When we pulled away, both our faces were bright with blush. "I lOvE yOu TaVbRo." I thought for moment before smiling at Gamzee. "i LOVE YOU TOO GAMZEE." He smiled wider than he usually did and hugged me tight. I hugged back the best I could. Soon, Gamzee had to go so we said goodbye but made plans to meet up again right away the next day. I could tell being with Gamzee was going to be a lot of fun.

(Hey guys! As you've probably noticed, I'm in need of ideas! Like, majorly. If you have any suggestions at all, let me know down below in the comments! Thank you and hope you all enjoyed!)

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