Chapter 20-T.R.A.P.

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A/N: please make sure the answer the question at the bottom. (It refers to a possible fourth book.)

Also, this chapter is long, so I am very sorry if anything is misspelled:)


Chapter 20-T.R.A.P.

I suddenly want a hug from Chad the stuffed dog.

Everyone I love....most everyone I love has just been captures by ninjas' in white.

Who knows how long I sit here, frozen in place, hidden behind a bush, staring at the camouflaged building. My friends are captured while I sit behind a bush? That is messed up.

I force myself not to cry. Crying will only make it worse.

I should be the one I side and Steve or even Thor should be behind the bush!

Why me.

Maybe if I had not been so hard on I cannot think like that. He deserved every second of it.

Didn't he?

Okay, Christy calm down.

I am pretty much the last person who is able to rescue the others.

I know that sounds prideful but seriously...if anyone else is willing to risk their lives to fight Rae please, be my guest.

No one steps forward.

Still me.

So I know I have to save the others...just how?

Okay. I need a chainsaw, a pack of gum, and some superglue.

I have a rope, a flashlight, and a pack of jerky.

Think I need a new plan.

Here is an idea! Walk up to the door and knock!

No that will never...

I spot the night-night gun Steve dropped when the ninjas' immobilized him...or whatever they did. The point is I have a gun.

They took Steve's shield so that's out of the question.

Wait...why am I only thinking of what Steve would do?

I reach down and fling the backpack over my shoulder. Something in my gut says no backpack left behind.

Pretty sure I am just hungry and this backpack is my only source of food...yeah.

I cheek to see if the coast is clear before darting out to grab my only weapon.

Fine it's not my only weapon. Sure I can kill you with my mind, fly, levitate objects, and hear you no matter where I am, but no one else knows that.

I hope.

Cocking the gun, I inch towards the door. Or...where I think the door is. The lair is camouflaged so well it really is hard to tell where the entrance is.

This is such a dumb idea.

Shaking my head, I knock loudly on the 'door,' tree, thingy, whatever.

Leaning my back against the wall, I brace myself for a full blown war. Instead as the door slides open, a single ninja exits the door.

"Hello?" He asks.

Scoffing, I shoot him quickly and silently with my night-night gun. I do not touch him because you know...being allergic to the gun is detrimental to my health.

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