Chapter 17-So That Just Happened.

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Chapter 17-So That Just Happened.

Betrayal is an eight letter word.

So is clueless.

Which is exactly how I feel right now.

I never knew so much hurt escape from one sentence.

Steve Rodgers betrayed us.

Betrayed me.

I knew our escape from S.H.I.E.L.D was to easy. Fury and the other agents knew about it the whole time.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I stare into Steve's emotionless face.

"You are an undercover agent?" I ask.

"That is what I said..." Steve frowns staring at his gun.

"What deceptions has Fury concocted to make you believe a lie?" I ask.

For a moment, Steve's eyes show a small twine of sadness as his grip on the gun, which I am sure is a night-night gun now, falters.

Or was it bitterness?

"I do not know what to believe anymore," Steve says.

"Thought I knew you better," I say forcing a laugh.

"I could say the same about you," Steve says.

"How long? How long, Steve?" I ask scowling.

"The day Fury shot you," Steve says lowering his voice.

May, Steve, and most likely Hollie, since she was 'on my side,' were never on my side.

"That was over three weeks ago!" I whisper.

"You think I do not know that?" Steve asks quietly.

"Do Peter and Beka know about this?" I ask.

"No," Steve admits.

The gun still rests on my neck as I swallow hard,

"I don't have to ask about Thor. When were you planning on telling me this?"

Steve stares at me,

"When were you going to tell us where Agent Romanoff is?"

I begin to back up but Steve grabs my arm, holding me in place,

"And this time I will not let you get away," he whispers.

"That's enough you two," Derrick says striding over to Peter and Beka, "you are fighting like an old married couple."

Give it a few months and we might have been that.

"Don't freak. I'm green," Beka says before Derrick can see her.

That does not stop him from freezing.

"Why did you let me go in the first place?" I ask loudly.

"To test you. Fury wanted to see if you would take us to Natasha," Steve answers.

I scoff,

"Test me? Look where we are, Steve. Broadway. People are being rushed to the hospital because of Rae..."

"Because of you, Christy," Steve says.

I know it is impossible but my blood turns cold while a shock, frigid as ice passes through my spine.

"It is my fault," I say, "why did I ever trust you?"

At first, Steve's emotion plummets into darkness, but he quickly regains himself.

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