Chapter 11-Top Secret, Eh?

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A/N: Hang in here with me, this may look boring but trust me, with whats coming, this is necessary:) Please tell me if you have any problems, questions, comments, or whatevs:)


Chapter 11-Top Secret, Eh?

I force myself out of the trance the unexpected crash left me in.

"What was that?" I ask a very shaken Ann Kirk.

"I'm not sure," Ann says, "I sure hope it wasn't Danny. Don't know how he'll react to you all being here."

"Only one way to find out," I say heading for the kitchen door.

As my hand slowly pushes the wooden door open, Steve calls out,
"Christy! Get in here."

That motivates me to run into the living room. Beka lies on the floor, a broken blue jar scattered across the floor, while Steve, Peter, Stephen, and a man I've never met before hover over her.

"Beka!" I yell, "what happened?"

"She wanted to stand, so I let her," Peter says.

"That still doesn't explain why she's on the floor," I jeer.

"Beka just passed out. Almost immediately after standing," Steve says.

I look at the black headed man in the overalls I've never met,
"Who are you?" I ask.

"Danny Kirk. I walked in to find this young lady out-cold on my floor surrounded by my son, Captain America, and Spider-Man. The girl looks mighty familiar," Danny says.

Danny does not look any older than thirty, but his sun-scorched skin gives years of hard labor away.

"She was the girl on TV, dad," Stephen says.

"Oh yeah. I remember. So who are you?" Danny asks me.

I give up. No one, I repeat no one knows who Christy Coulson is in Florida.

"Christy," I say grimly.

"Why's her shoulder green?" Stephen asks gesturing to Beka's shoulder.

I gasp. Beka's shoulder is bright green.

We should probably keep our tale in the down-side and....

"She was shot with a poisonous bullet earlier, when we crashed," Peter explains.

Great going, Parker! Of all the times you had to be annoying, you chose now!

"You crashed?" Danny asks, "where?"

"A jet in your field, Sir," Steve says.

"In my field? How'd she get shot?" Danny questions.

"We were being to be honest, Sir, we don't know who was firing at us," Steve says.

Suddenly Beka's eyes open wide, as she jerks herself up, grasping for air.

"Woah! Calm down," Peter says lowering Beka's head cautiously.

"What happened?" Beka asks.

"You kind of...fainted," Peter says.

"Fainted? No," She protests.

"You did that," Peter says.

"We have to find a doctor," I mutter, "Beka, the bullet left some sort of toxic solution inside your shoulder."

"It caused you to pass out," Steve says.

"That's not good," Beka mumbles, "help me sit up, Parker."

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