Chapter 6-Obligatory Acquintance.

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A/N: this is probably my favorite chapter ever...just saying.

Many of you asked if my villains were original--they are so NO STEALING THE THREE VILLAINS:) I made them up!


*Little Play Time*


Loki: Christy has been acting a little rebellious lately, M'lady."

Me: "I know, I know. But don't worry, everything will work out. It just takes time...(and a friend who shall remain nameless,) get Christy back on track."

Loki: "but why? She's acting foolish. Like a child."

Me: "There's a method to my madness."

Loki: "Is it madness, is it?"

Me: "Loki, go away. Aren't you dead?"

Loki: "Sorry, Lady AnnaBeth. You are the writer..."

Me: "That's right."



(Wow. That's how my mind works when I'm writing--it's a bit many actually read that? But seriously, Christy will work herself out. Just thought I'd disclaim that.)


Chapter 6-Obligatory Acquaintance.

It's been two hours since Fury and the other groups left, and let me just say...I'm dying! There's no one (excepting Steve and the other Agents...but they don't count,) here!

"Fury doesn't trust me," I say pacing the Agents Lounge.

Steve sits on the leather couch in front of me, arms crossed.

"I mean, if Fury is gone than who is leading S.H.I.E.L.D?" I ask.

"Your dad, Phil Coulson. Did you miss that part of the conversation?" Steve asks.

"What? No...not at....yeah I missed that," I say.

Thank you very much, zoning-out ability. It's a gift and a curse.

"Fury put Peter and Beka and the same team yet he assigned us to separate groups!" I yell.

"Look on the bright side, Christy. We're the same team now," Steve says.

"Yes. But maybe I wanted to take down Rae," I say.

"You are convinced the kidnapper is Rae aren't you," Steve asks.

I scoff,

Steve laughs.

"What?" I ask.

"Your reaction when you are aggravated, it's priceless," he says.

"Don't make fun of me," I giggle, " how...funny am I?"

"Hysterical," Steve replies.

"You anger me," I say.

Steve laughs harder,

"You're judging me!" I yell.

"No I am not," Steve says.

"Sure...sure you aren't," I say.

I walk towards the couch,
"You are such a...."

I don't finish because I plop onto the couch beside Steve.

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