Chapter 14-Mind Games.

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A/N: This chapter is based off the saying, "One of your greatest enemies is the mind."


Chapter 14-Mind Games.

It was Steve's face that scared me the most.

"Thor found something," Steve said.

Three words that can change someone's life forever. I know because....well just trust me. You know I know.

"What is it?" I ask.

I know it's a dumb question but still.

"Diana did not leave us a jet," Steve says.

"A ship?" Stephen asks.


"A land speeder?" I try.

"Wrong again," Steve says.

"A boat?" Stephen asks.

"Stop trying to guess and get inside. Quickly," Steve orders.

I shrug at Stephen before following Steve into the barn. If there's one thing I've learned, it's never argue with Steve Rodgers. You are better off fighting super villains than fighting Captain America.

After one last glance at Diana's grave, I slip inside the Barn Lab. Is it a barn, is it a lab? For all I know it's a training center. Stephen learned martial arts in this building, that is how he became The Shadow, a deadly country ninja.

"Start talking," I say running to catch up with Steve until I walk beside him.

"What is there to know? Thor, Peter, and I were casually searching the Lab when Thor became frustrated and threw his hammer into a wall," Steve says.

"Just like Thor. Next?" I ask.

"So it happens that the wall he...attacked was not really a wall at all," Steve says.

"Haha," Stephen laughs.

I turn and stare at him.

"What? It rhymed. Wall at all. Wall don't get it?" Stephen questions.

"No...yes...sorry...I mean...that is...the first time I have heard you laugh. I mean truly laugh," I say.

"Thanks," Stephen smiles.

"The wall," I say.

"Right. Hold on, this way," Steve says turning right, "this 'wall' lead Thor into a hidden room. And what was inside....."

He needs to say no more. We stand in front of a twenty foot hole in the far right side wall of the barn.

"He threw his hammer into that?" Stephen asks, "I need to better know this Thor guy. Seems fun."

"" I say just above a whisper.

It is not the wall that entrances me, it's what's inside the wall.

"After you," Steve says gesturing me to lead on.

Cautiously, I step into the (not-so-secret-anymore ) room.

Peter, (holding a still passed out Beke,) and Thor stand gawking at not a boat, not a ship, and definitely not a jet, but an airplane.

I am not talking your traditional two seater airplane. I mean your two-thousand seat commercial airline plane, you know the kind you only see on TV. Okay, I'm sure a ton of people have flown commercially but not me. I was saying, the kind I only see on TV.

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