Chapter 8-Why I hate Cells.

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Chapter 8-Why I hate cells.

When I was eleven years old, and Clint Barton fifteen, we would to explore S.H.I.E.L.D. one day, we were messing around the original S.H.I.E.L.D ground base in New York, location classified, when Clint and I stumbled into the science lab.

I, of course, hated the science lab because it reminded me of the countless months of torture I had endured. Anyway, a random agent stood in the middle of the room mixing a....still not sure what he was mixing...but it had to do with science.

Clint and I hid behind a wooden science table because we were afraid of getting caught.

"We shouldn't be here, Clint," I said.

"Aww, Christy, are you afraid?" Clint asked.

"No, I am not afraid," I lied.

"You are to scared, you chicken," Clint whispered.

He shook his head,

"Look, we're just here ta' you know, have a little fun."

"But what if Fury catches us," I wondered.

I was terrified as a child because I thought if I made one mistake than Fury would throw me out.

"He's not gonna catch us," Clint said.

"How do you know that?" I asked pushing my tangled hair behind my ears.

"Because I just know. I did this a hundred times at the old orphanage," Clint said, "and I never got caught."

Before Clint was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D he was an orphan. No parents. S.H.I.E.L.D adopted him because he had an amazing talent with archery.

"But this is S.H.I.E.L.D," I thought.

"Just stay close, and don't get left behind," Clint said.

Clint pulled out his training bow and fired at the ceiling, smashing the lights above.

"Let's go!" Clint screamed.

Needless to say, I wasn't fast like Clint. So the agent who was working that day grabbed the back of my blue jacket and held in me in the Science Bay until Fury came.

Long story short, I was blamed for the light mishap. Two months later Clint came clean and confesses that he broke the lights, but it was to late. I had been blamed. My punishment, I wasn't allowed in the Science Bay, Training Center, or the Agents Lounge. For an eleven year old, that means no TV.

On top of that, I had to help replace the lights. It took six months for me to trust Clint again.


My first reaction is,

I've been shot!

But my second reaction is,

Fury shot me? Why me?

My third reaction is,

Oh yeah. Because they think I'm Natasha's kidnapper.

My eyes flutter open. To begin with, my eye sight is extremely blurry. Figures. But no more than ten seconds later, I am able to fully acknowledge my surroundings, clean and clear.

Literally clear. I'm in a glass cage. At least I think that's where I am.

A sigh escapes my chapped lips.

"She's awake, Sir," I hear someone say.

I am in a cage. An exact replica of the glass cage Loki was held in during the battle of New York. The reason I know it's a replica is because the original was destroyed when Loki tried to kill his brother Thor by dropping him out of the Helicarier.

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