Chapter 16-New York, New York.

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Chapter 16-New York, New York.

Crash landing on Broadway.

Just another sentence I never thought I would say...

"Parker. It's time," Steve says.

Peter throws a granola bar at Bela before running towards the television cabinet.

"What's going...on?" Beka asks.

Steve doesn't answer. Instead, he turns and dashes back into the cockpit.

"Young Stephen, you know your duty," Thor says.

"For the first time in forever..." I pause to giggle, "...I agree with Beka! Will someone please explain what in the name of fruticose corn syrup is happening?"

"Wow. Thank you," Beka says.

"Do not get used to it," I say.

"Charming," Thor says reaching for Beka.

"Woah! Hold up there. What are you doing?" Beka asks.

"Your Peter Parker is afraid that you will pass out, so I have volunteered to bear you on our way down" Thor says.

"Uh...he is not my Peter Parker," Beka says, "and I can hold myself."

"Beka, half of your body is green, you lost consciousness for four days, thus missing a fire not to mention three deaths, and you could theoretically pass out at any moment and die. Let Thor carry you," I order pushing to my feet.

Grumbling, Beka allows Thor to lift her. Although Thor only holds Beka with his right arm, the magical hammer in his left.

"I shall meet you on the ground, friends," Thor says raising his hammer.

Oh dear...he's not going to....

"Thor, you know there's a...." I start.

Thor runs into the side of the plane, smashing the metal, leaving a gaping hole where Thor and Beka dived out.

"door," I finish.

Steve finally re-enters the living room holding three backpacks. When he sees the hole Thor made, he stares at it for a moment.

"Yellow...Backpacks?" I ask snapping him back into reality.

The packs are black with yellow trimming.

"Parachutes," Steve says handing me one.

"I can...I can fly...remember?" I say.

Steve sighs,
"Right," he says ripping the backpack out of my hands.

Tossing Stephen one, he slips into a parachute, dropping the extra to the ground.

"What about Peter?" I ask.

"The spider?" Steve says buckling his chute.

"Oh yeah...webs and all," I stutter.

"He will meet us below," Steve says.

"How did you know..I mean plan this all?" I ask.

"I knew Rae would try to make this difficult," Steve says.

That's when the plane drops. The G-force slams me into the ground. After a few seconds I can stand up, but the airplane's altitude performs the opposite action.

"Uh, Steve, what are we going to do about Broadway and the airplane know I thought that made a big *boom,*" I say.

"That is why we must leave now. Thor has the plane covered. He left first did he not?" Steve asks, "Stephen, do you have it?"

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