Chapter 15-A Miracle.

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Chapter 15-A Miracle.

"How is that possible?" I ask, "to fight with oneself?"

I know it's a dumb question and I understand I lived it but still....I have to have an answer.

"Our minds can be our strongest enemy," Steve says.

"What?" I ask.

"Villains like Loki or Rae have nothing on a human mind," Steve says, "we do battle with our minds more than we fight people."

"So I cannot even trust myself," I say, "Fury was right. I am a monster."

"It is not true. When did he say that?" Steve asks.

"A few months ago...right after Fury assembled the Avengers for Loki's second strike," I say raking my fingers through my hair.

I did not realize it before but leftover white ash covers small sections of my hair.

"How did know?" I question.

"Get on the plane alive?" Steve finishes, "a miracle."

I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

Steve leans his back against the nearest couch, his feet stretched out mirroring mine,

"The cyborgs knew you were a bigger threat when you went all Christy-bomb on their friends....."

"Stephen!" I yell, "he was shot!"

"Totally fine now," Stephen says walking into the room, "you'll have ta' forgive me, I have a problem with eavesdropping."

Remind me never to spill secrets.

"It is okay," I say.

When I said Stephen walked into the room, I meant more like limped into the room. He spots a tan couch behind me and sinks roughly into it.

"Why did you? And you...all of you...were you trying to make me mad?" I ask.

"Guilty. I knew if we made you angry, we could take out the humanoids no problem," Steve says.

"Yeah, then Stege told me that you hated seeing your friends in pain so I took a bullet for the team. Except we didn't expect you to turn into a red-eyed levitating freak," Stephen says, " offense."

None taken. After people tell say that you are a freak for a while, you begin to believe it.

"It it makes you feel better, I normally fly," I say.

"You can fly! Seriously, Steve has an alien shield, Thor can control lightening, and you can fly? For crying out loud you three make me look like a ninja wannabe!" Stephen shouts.

Three. We are missing someone.

"Where is Beka?" I ask.

"In the back with Peter," Stephen says.

Somehow that does not make me feel better.

"You don't say," I laugh.

Steve stands, grabs a backpack, my backpack, from a coffee table and hands it to me.

"You might want to change or whatever," Steve says, "there's a bathroom down the plane. Take a left, right, then left, bathroom is third door on the left. You have thirty minutes until reach New York."

Wow. So it's a fast VIP airplane.

I unzip my half-burnt bag. When did Steve have time to grab this? My black S.H.I.E.L.D uniform remains in tact, along with a pair of short raven colored boots.

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