Chapter 13-Burning Sensation.

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A/N: Has anyone else updated Wattpad? And what do you think of it? Kinda cool....

Chapter 13-Burning Sensation.

This mission has deviated from its original purpose....big time.

Three people dead, one on the way and it's not even been twenty-four hours yet.

Stephen and I decided that even though Diana was a traitor, she deserves a proper funeral. Something Stephen's parents, (who died in the fire,) failed to receive.

Peter volunteered to find his parent's bodies, but Stephen said he didn't want Peter risking his life on a suicide mission inside his still burning home.

"They're probably ashes by now anyway," Stephen says.

"Where should we....bury her?" Steve asks about Diana.

I kneel down beside her pale, peaceful, lifeless, body. The blood finally stopped running out of her two bullet wounds. Thankfully, they were regular, not poisonous. Diana did not suffer.

"She has parents right?" I ask.

"Yes, a few miles away. Surprised they haven't seen the fire," Stephen states.

"A few miles?" I repeat.

"Yeah. My Pa' owned over one-hundred acres," Stephen clarifies.

Could have mentioned that before...

"Alright. Do we tell her parents?" I ask.

I finally stopped crying, but my heart feels like an elephant rests on top of it.

"What if her parents are working for Rae as well?" Peter asks.

Did not think about that.

"Maybe we should bury her, then hopefully if her parents are not traitors, let S.H.I.E.L.D explain her death," Steve says.

"That's a good idea," I mutter shutting my eyes and turning away from Diana.

"And Beka?" Peter asks.

"She'll be fine," Steve says.

I know it's a lie. We now know, thanks to Diana, who worked for Rae no more than thirty minutes ago, that Beka had been injected with Laeonight.

Laeonight, a toxin made by I guess Rae's scientists, designed for torture purposes on men. Why Beka was shot? Who knows. She only has a few days left to live. The green toxin that was injected by the bullet in her shoulder her is slowly moving down her arm.

If we cannot force Rae to find us a cure, she may be dead before the week is over. Today is March 8th, 2014.

Less than three moths till Nat delivers. Plenty of time to save her.

"We can't just leave her here," I say.

"Why don't you just put the poor girl out of her misery?" Stephen smirks crossing his arms.

Peter whitens,

"No!" He screams a little to quickly.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Just sayin' she might be happier dead than alive," Stepeyen says throwing his arms up in surrender, "I know I would," he says in almost a whisper.

"Don't say that," I mutter back.

"I'm sure it's better up there than down here," Stephen says.

"You are so right," I smile, "as a matter of fact, I've been up there."

"See the Big Man in the sky?" Stephen laughs.

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