Chapter 3-Something like that.

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Chapter 3-Something like That.

Did I ever tell you I despise Electro. I know that seems harsh but after he has tried to destroy your home, erased your memories, then kidnap your teammate you tend to despise a person.

I pace my small, Helicarier bedroom. Okay, it's not that small. There's a queen sized bed, a three drawer dresser, and a hotel one person bathroom, fully equip with a shower, sink, and a toilet. Yup, that's my room. Oh wait, I forgot the metal desk that sits beside the dresser.

My walls and bed sheets are grey but on the bright side, thanks to Fury, I have a fuzzy hot pink rug lying on my floor.

Basically after Clint's story, I ran from the meeting. My best sister is missing. She may not be related to me by blood, but Natasha is still kin.

We have to get her back.

A knock halts my pacing.

"Door's open," I say chewing the last of my fingernails off.

Steve pokes his head in,

"Anything amazing happening?"

"Just thinking," I say.

"A dangerous pastime," he says entering the room.

"I know."

Steve laughs as he walks to my desk and sits in the thin, silver, chair as I start to pace again.

"Steve, was life this complicated in the forties?" I ask.

He stares at the three pictures I have on my desk. Actually, they are the only pictures I have. The first is the Captain America trading card dad gave me last year. The second, is a picture of Nat, Clint, Phil, and I posing in front of the Statue of Liberty three years ago. The story behind that experience is....maybe...never mind I'll tell it later.

Steve picks up the third and final picture. It's of my mom.

"Is this her?" He asks.

"Yeah," I reply, "Emma gave that to me for my last birthday."

Steve levels the picture with my head,

"She looks like you."

"Do you have a picture of....her?" I ask awkwardly.

He almost drops the photo of my mother. After gently setting it back on the desk, he glares at the wall. I know I re-opened a wound when I brought Peggy Carter up.

"Yes," he says solemnly.

"Will you show it to me?" I ask.

He smiles,

"Of course."

"Where did you meet her?" I ask.

"Why the sudden interest?" Steve questions.

I shrug,

"Just curious that's all."

"Might as well get it out now," Steve says frowning, "what do you want to know?"

"Meeting place," I say.

"World War two army base," Steve says.

"Army base!" I yell, "what were you doing on an army base?"

"Training. Learning military tactics. Taking down Nazis'. Actually I was a wimp when I first met her."

"A wimp?" I ask laughing.

"Yeah," Steve laughs sadly, "I wasn't...super human Steve."

I smile,

"Super human Steve? Fun."

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