Chapter 12-Master of Revenge.

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A/N: it has to get worse before it gets better, right?


Chapter 12- Master of Revenge.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no is the only sentence that can format in my jumbled mind.

A tall hill separates the hidden (secret lab) barn from the Kirk's home.

Please be alright.

That scream belonged to one person.

Rebekah Johnston.

And it wasn't your girly, 'help there's a bug' scream.'

No this was much worse.

I climb to the top of the hill and automatically freeze, my heart stopping in the process.

"Christy, what's wrong?" Steve asks feet behind me.

My head spins. This cannot be happening. No I refuse to believe it. I feel my feet give out from under me. Steve (as hero,) catches me before I split my head open on the green grass.

Although when he sees the farm house Steve nearly drops me as well.

The only problem is, I have to believe it. The proof is directly in front of me.

Stephen and Diana finally catch up with us.

"Hey! What's the big id...." Stephen halts, "mom!" He screams racing down the hill towards his house.

Stephen Kirk's house in engulfed in flames.

"Oh my...his house is on fire," Diana screams.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Captain Duh.

"You alright?" Steve asks helping me regain my balance.

"Beka's in there too," I say taking off down the hill.

Diana and Steve follow close by.

That's when I realize the house isn't the only thing on fire. Three of Danny Kirk's five fields are burning. And the entire perimeter around the house is flaming.

We reach the house seconds after Stephen, who, geniusly decides to run into, let me repeat, into the burning house!

"You have I stop him!" I scream.

"I will...but...Christy, run into the main barn and grab my shield. Find Parker, I'll get Beka and Stephen!" Steve orders dashing into the house after the others.

Please be alright, Beka. I can't have you die today.

My whole body shakes violently as I run to the barn the guys slept in lat night, it too is in flames.

A flame jumps off the house and attaches itself to my arm. I quickly brush it off.

Actually I don't want to die today...this was a terrible idea, Steve.

But being the amazing, wonderful, irreplaceable, (that's enough, Christy: take a humility pill,), girl I am, I enter the flaming barn.

And immediately, I regret it.

Black dense smoke blurs my vision. I can't believe I'm risking my neck to save a shield! Okay okay, the shield is legendary.

Pulling the blue t-shirt I wear over my nose I fight through the fire that threatens to suffocate me. The barn isn't that large, Ann said Danny uses it for storage such as extra furniture, food, or like last night, extra rooms.

Stand Together: An Avengers Fan Fiction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora