Chapter Thirty.

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1 year later


I walked through the prison halls on my way to freedom. I got out today. I didn't tell T she still thinks I'm still in jail. I was going to surprise her and Ja'riya. Cliff was waiting on me on the outside of those gates.

"Rari my good friend" Cliff said smiling. He was dressed in a expensive suit and a pair of dark sunglasses. "You heard about the shit that happened to Brandon" I said getting in the truck. I couldn't believe it's been a year already.

Honestly, Cliff killed Brandon. I know B had some issues going on, but just think about it. B had issues from his past. He told me all the time how family wasn't shit. I didn't know Cliff was his uncle, but I knew they was related. B was homeless and his uncle had money. Cliff could of helped. After B moms died Cliff didn't even come to her funeral. He didn't even put a dime on her funeral. Brandon came threw though. There has been plenty of times where B wanted to kill Cliff. I told him no it wasn't worth it. All Cliff had to do was help B. He could of had Brandon gone to were no polices would ever touch him. Before, everything went down that day he told me that he was upset with me, because he thought that I went behind his back. I told him Cliff didn't want to do business with you he pulled T to the side and told her straight up. Brandon told me if I was smart I'll stop fucking with Cliff. The money is good, but only for so long. Cliff thinks he can control you after a while. I told T that I wanted her to quit dealing with Cliff. I trust him, but I have seen for myself how he like to let his own damn family over a few dollars. Imagine what he would do to a stranger like me over some change. I ain't putting my baby through none of that.

"He was on some other shit" Cliff said shaking his head. "He never used his head" Cliff said shrugging his shoulders.

"B went out with respect, he was a real ass nigga I respect him for it" I said. He took his own life. I couldn't do it. You have to be a strong person to blow your own brains out. The girl detective that interrogated me that day some time back. She was the one who watched Brandon blow his brains out. She was fucked up after that. I heard she quit. Watching Brandon kill himself was to much for her.

"You respect another man killing himself and making a detective loose her mind" Cliff said.

"At the end of the day he was going to loose his life and honestly, if she couldn't handle that she should of never tried out for the job" I said keeping it a stack.

It's something about Cliff, and he wouldn't be having mine nor T's services for long. Besides I don't like being under some other nigga wing. I always kicked shit on my own.

"Cliff I need a favor" I said. "Talk to me young brother" he said lighting his cigar. "I met this dude while I was in the joint, and he a real cool" I said. "I need to get him a great lawyer and I was wondering do you know one" I said. I wanted to help Slim. I wanted him to have a clean record after I pay his bond.

"I'll see what I can do, but isn't this your stop" he said. I looked up seeing the address T texted me some months ago. "We got here pretty quick, but don't forget Cliff" I said getting out his truck. He nodded "tell the girls I said hello" he said. "Bet" I said closing the truck door.

I walked up the drive and knocked on the door and heard voices. "Who is it" my daughter said. "Daddy" I said. She opened the door and I walked in. "Where mommy" I said picking up Ja'riya. She pointed in the back. "Tell mommy that daddy is here" I said putting her down. She ran to the back. "Ja'riya how many times have I told you not to open the door" T said. "Its daddy" she said running out from the back.

T walked in with a shocked face. "RARI" she said running to me. "I thought you said you wasn't coming home early" she said squeezing me tight. "I missed you so much baby" I said holding her tight. "You better not ever leave me again" she said crying in my shirt. "I promise I won't" I said. She wiped her tears. "If I knew you was coming I would of cooked something" she said. "I ain't hungry anyways, but I do want a shower" I said pulling my hoodie off. "I want you in it with me" I said squeezing on her ass.

She looked right in them booty shorts. "Oh really now" she said kissing my lips. "Yea really" I said smiling. "I'm a put Riya to bed and when you get out the shower I'm a be waiting on you in the room" she said licking her bottom lip. "Bet" I said going into the bathroom.

When I got out T was leaving out of Ja'riya room. "Don't make me wake up Riya now" she said smiling. "I'll try" I said smacking her ass. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in the room. She pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. T kissed me from my lips to my neck then to my chest. I don't know where this side of her been, but I hope she show this side for now on. "I missed you daddy" she spoke in a soft sexy voice. "I missed you to baby" I said taking her shirt off revealing her big perky breasts. I took one nipple in my mouth then, I sucked on the other one. She let out soft moans. "Stop teasing me Rari and fuck me already" she said sucking on my neck. I lifted her off my lap and laid T on her back.

I dropped my towel and spread her thick thighs. I watched her bite on her bottom lip.

"You ain't gotta tell me twice" I said sliding in her wetness.

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