Chapter Fourteen.

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Rari/couple hours before.

I got a text from one of Brandon homeboys wondering why Brandon hasn't replied back. I didn't text back, because I was on the phone with T. I had other shit to handle. After I got off the phone with T them niggas was blowing my phone up. "Wassup" I said through the phone. "Where Brandon" some nigga said. "He in the hospital" I said. "What happened" he said. Then, I heard nothing but guns getting cocked in the background. I shook my head. Brandon really had some hitters around him. I just couldn't see myself working for a someone. I always and will remain my own boss. "He hit that nigga G, and they got to fighting than as a riot broke out this guard stuck Brandon" I said.
"We will handle that later, but tell me about the hospital he at" dude said. "I don't know you going to have to call his lawyer, and find that out" I said. Them niggas was up to no good. I could feel it. They was about to do some stupid shit. I didn't want no part of either. I got like a year left, and I'll be out this bitch. They better keep that dumb shit over there.

"How many polices usually travel a inmate back to the jail" dude said. "About two or three maybe why wassup" I said. "Just wondering" dude said.

"Aye look man don't be doing nothing stupid Brandon might be getting a good deal if he testifies against the guard that stabbed him" I said explaining to them dumb fucks if they do anything stupid his freedom is gone forever.

He laughed "we ain't gone do nothing stupid we just wanted to know why he wasn't replying, and oh yea when you speak to your girlfriend tell her that your money is ready for pickup" he said.

"I'll let her know to meet up with you so she can get my money" I said. "What about the re-up money" I added. "We only got rid of half, and Brandon said you get your cut first, because he don't want any problems" dude said.

"Were in business there wouldn't be a problem" I said to the dude.

"Fasho, but I'm a call you back I have to see what hospital he at" he said hanging up.

I closed my flip phone. I shook my head in frustration. If they niggas do some stupid business is going to be fucked up. Brandon boys get rid of the shit. T don't know how to get rid of almost thirty five kilos of cocaine. Wouldn't no money be coming in, and I have to take care of my girls. "Fuck" I said punching the wall behind my head.

My cell mate jumped down off his bed. "You good bro" he said. "Yea I'm good" I said. I really don't talk to him. I know he listens, but if he was to run his mouth about anything I done said, I wouldn't hesitate to suffocate his dumb ass.

He was a skinny white guy. Besides the tattoos, and the creepy colored eyes. He kind of looked like he belonged in a movie. "I heard about what happened to your friend" he said. "It's straight they going to get theirs" I said.

He laughed. "Man I remember them days I was actually one of the biggest dealers in Chicago" he said. "What you sold" I said lifting up.

"Weed and pills that cocaine shit wasn't for me" he said.

"Cocaine is where the big money is man you crazy" I said laughing. "What's your name man" I added.

"Jimmy, but call me slim" he said showing his gold tooth.

"Cool I'm Rari" I said shaking his hand. "Why you in here" he said taking a seat on the stand.

"Drug trafficking conspiracy basically a drug bust, but there wasn't any drugs, and my gun was already out of my hands" I said.

"I'm in here for robbery, murder, drugs and you know the rest" he said laughing. This was the first time I ever spoke to slim and he was a cool dude.

"When you get out" I said. He looked at me like I was crazy "never dude" he said laughing. "They gave me a life sentence" he added. I shook my head "damn how you getting by in here I done did three years, and this shit ain't my cup of tea" I admitted. Prison ain't to bad it's just when them doors close you want to see what's going on, on the outside. I learned to not count the days. It makes the time go faster.

"Shit who you telling I haven't had a blunt in like twelve years my daughter is like thirteen now" he said trying to think. "I done been here so long I done lost track of life in general" he said.

"Damn my daughter three" I said. He nodded "you didn't even see your daughter being born did you" he said. I shook my head no.

"It ain't worth it man" he said. "What ain't worth it" I said. "The drug life I'm telling you it will all back fire the money is good, but just think about everything you would loose if something goes wrong my advice to you is save while you can, and get out while you young" he said climbing back on his bunk.

I laid back down, and thought about what he said. Maybe slim was right. I could loose T, and Ja'riya. Me and T would go to jail and Ja'riya would be in foster care. I wouldn't see pops or daylight again for how much cocaine I be moving. I need to start getting myself together for real.

My thoughts was interrupted by my phone vibrating. I looked at the phone and it was Brandon boys again.

"Rari something came up tell your girl friend to come pick up your money some other time" dude said hanging up.

I wonder what them fools done got into. I thought to myself.

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