Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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Continuing chapter twenty-eight.....


"Come out with your hands up" the police said. I had my gun pointed at Brandon. The abandoned building was surrounded with polices. Helicopters was hovering over our heads. I refused to back down even if this was the end. Like Bobby always said "never give up on a man who willing to give up on himself first". "Bitch put the gun down" I spat at B. "Fuck you nigga" he spat. "You better kill me before these sucka ass pigs do" he said laughing. My jaw line tightened. I squeezed the trigger.

I squeezed again.
Click. Click. Click.

The gun was empty. B seen that the gun was empty so he charged at me taking me to the ground. He hit me in my nose making my shit gush with blood. His gun fell out his pants and slid across the room. I put my hands around his neck and head butted him. I rolled over and searched for his gun. I made eye contact with the steel and went for it. B grabbed my feet and pulled me back. He flipped me over connecting his fist into right cheek. "Bitch ass nigga" he yelled hitting me with another right punch. I put my thumbs in his eyes. I was trying to scratch them bitches out. Brandon was stronger than what he looked to be. "Ahh" he yelled trying to pull my hands back.

"Put your hands where I can see them" a police said behind me. He was holding some heavy steel pointing it right at me and B. I let Brandon go and he started hitting me in my face.

The police ran over and pulled him off me. Brandon snatched his gun. "GET THE FUCK DOWN" he yelled pointing it in the police neck. "Your making a big mistake" the police said. "Fuck up you made a mistake by coming in here captain" Brandon said smacking him with the gun. The cop fell out on the ground. Brandon then turned and put the gun on me. "And you bitch" he spat kicking me with his timberland boot. The impact from the boot was so strong.

I fell back instantly.


"And you bitch" I said kicking G with my boot. He feel back smacking his head on the hard ground. "Let me help you Brandon" the police said spitting blood out his mouth. I upped his gun on him. "How the fuck you gone help me" I yelled. "I know your angry bu-" he tried to say but I cut him off. "You don't know shit about being angry" I yelled in frustration. I done had enough of everyone shit. "I do Brandon I get angry all the time but this is crazy all those polices will take you down if you don't turn yourself into them" he said. I squinted my eyes. "Don't fuck with me I will blow your head off" I yelled. "I'm not letting none of you pigs touch me so I guess I'm a get took down" I added. He shook his head. The helicopter hovering above me made huge winds come from the busted windows. It looked like the forth of July the way blue and red lights blinked back and forth. "You hear that" the police said looking at me. "Those are helicopters" he said. "Tell me some shit I don't know" I said. G started laughing. "The fuck is funny" I said getting in his face. He spit the blood from his mouth onto my face. "Your a coward see you in hell bitch" G said smiling. "Yea see you in hell" I said putting a hole in his head. His brains splashed all over me and the police."you have to stop now while you can my man are going to start marching in now just let me help you" he said. My mind was already made up. There was no turning back now. "Let them come" I yelled wiping the tinkle of blood that hit my face. "Hear me out" he said looking nervous. I smacked him with his own gun. "You talk to fucking much" I yelled. "Don't say shit else unless your spoken to" I said jacking him up by his shirt. "Do you fucking copy" I yelled. He nodded. "No I said do you fucking copy" I said squeezing his neck. "Y-y-es i copy-y" he stuttered. I let go of his neck and he started coughing trying to get air into his body.  "Good now give me your phone" I said. "I don't have it" he said lien. "Now" I said putting the steel to his temple. He reached to his side and grabbed his flip phone. "Keep your mouth shut" I said dialing a number.

"Brandon I told you not to call my phone" my uncle said.

"I didn't call to fight with you Cliff I only called you because In about ten minutes I'll be a dead man and before I go I'm a need answers" I said.

"Brandon turn yourself in" Cliff simply said.

"What did me and my mom ever do to be treated like the way we did" I said.

"You wouldn't understand okay Brandon let the past be the past" Cliff said.

"You missed her funeral, you didn't even have the audacity to even fucking call you selfish son-of-a-bitch" I yelled o the top of my lungs.

"I couldn't see your mom like that Brandon it would of killed me and trust me it's killing me now" Cliff said.

"It didn't kill you good enough because your still walking the earth, why god had to take my moma" I said trying to hold back the tears. He will never understood the pain he had caused me and my mother. She came to him so many times for help.

"Your absolutely right I'm sorry son" Cliff spoke softly.

"Son" I said confused ass hell.

"Your my son Brandon" he said again. "I wanted to tell you sooner it just wasn't never the right time" he added.

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. "B you there" he said.

"What made you think that this was the right time" I yelled.

"This might be the last time I ever speak to you and I wanted you to know the truth" he said.

"You would never be considered my father you a sorry excuse of a man" I said. "I hope you die slow Cliff" I said pulling the phone from my ear and hanging it up.

After all these years he decided to tell me that he was my father. He treated me like shit and my mother. I blame him for everything.

I walked over to the door, clinching the gun I held tightly. I took a deep breath and turned the old rusted knob. "Don't go out that door they will kill you" the injured cop said. I didn't even look back. I pulled the door slowly opening to a whole yard covered in police cars. Each and every cop had a gun pointing at me. "Put your hands up and walk slowly" one yelled. I took baby steps through the yard.

My eyes begun to tear up. I looked every cop in they eyes. Either way I felt like they was going to kill me. I fell to my knees. I couldn't help the tears that started to fall down my face. This was the end. "God forgive me for all my sins" I said looking up to the dark sky. "I'm sorry mom" I said wiping my tears. It was like god was waiting for me. I felt all my problems go to ease. I held the gun to my head. My lip began to shiver and tears started to fall more heavily. "Sir drop the gun" a cop said. I watched them take slow steps towards my way. "Stay back" I yelled. "Don't do this" a girl cop said. She put her gun on her hip and walked towards me. "I can help you Brandon" she said placing her soft hands on my hand that held the gun. I shook my head no. I was lost at words. My lip was shaking to bad I couldn't speak. I looked in her big brown eyes. "It's to late" I said yanking my hand from her grip.

I closed my eyes, and pulled the trigger.

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