Chapter One.

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3 years later

"Congratulations Terra" Rari father said hugging me. "I am so proud of you" he said in my ear. I smiled, I was proud of myself as well.

"These are for you" Treasure said handing me some flowers. "Their beautiful" I said thanking him.

Today, I graduated from College. I wish Rari could of been here, he would be so proud of me. "Ja'riya are you proud of mommy" I said to my three year old daughter.

I found out I was pregnant soon after, Rari went to jail. After, like two weeks of morning sickness I took a pregnancy test. The first time it said no, but I kept having pains so I went to buy another pregnancy test and this one said I was pregnant. I went on and made a doctors appointment just to make sure and she told me I was pregnant. When I told Rari that I was having his baby his ass about fainted. He was so excited. I got really big while I was pregnant. His father thought I was having twins. You would of thought that Rari had Ja'riya by himself, because she is his twin. Only thing she got from me was my little button nose and hair.

Honestly, I was not ready to be a mother, but after I had Ja'riya. She changed my life. I had something to go hard for. I had something to live for. She was my motivation, she kept me motivated through it all. She is truly a blessing with her spoiled behind.

"You ready to go see daddy tomorrow" I said tickling her small belly. "Yea"she said throwing her head back screaming in laughter.

I moved to Atlanta two years ago to be close to Rari. He got moved to a jail in Mississippi which is 4 hours away from me. I was happy, because I didnt have to drive 8 hours to visit him no more. Not saying I didnt want to, cause lord knows I would go the extra mile for this man. I just couldn't do the hours driving there to see him and back home in one day. Than get up for school the in the morning plus work right after class. It was very exhausting. Than the pregnancy, had me even more tired.

"What time you going to see my son tomorrow" his father asked. "Im a leave out at like 6 in the morning, because visiting hours are 11 am to 1 pm" I said putting Ja'riya down. I grabbed her hand so she wouldn't run off like she did last time. I almost lost my mind when I thought I lost her little ass. "Tell him I love him and can't wait to see him" his father said. He picked Ja'riya up and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. "See you girls when you get back in town" he said leaving with his boyfriend  Treasure.

After, my graduation I went to go find something for me to wear to go see Rari. I wanted to look cute for bae. I haven't seen him in almost a year, because for one it took a minute for him to get his visiting list and for two he on lock down almost 20 hours out of the day. The positive thing about this prison, was they didn't care about what you wore. The last place he was at was on your heels about every little thing. I hated him being up there. He went to the hole like 3 times. The shit was fucking ridiculous.

I done came along way since 3 years ago. I done dropped some pounds. I'm looking the best I ever looked in so many years. My self esteem is way higher. I love showing my body now even more, with the many stretch marks I got from being pregnant.

Time really does fly. In a few months your girl will be 21. I haven't been out in years ever since the incident. This time will be different though. I'm going out with some friends from where I used to work and from school.

When I got home I ran Ja'riya a bath and fed her. She climbed in my bed, because she never slept in her own room. This was just a two bedroom house so much smaller than what we moved from. The money Rari left. I never touched it. I didn't really have to. He was sending money almost every week from jail. Me and Ja'riya still sitting on about a million dollars. Would of been more if it was wasn't for some snake ass hoes. Them bitches really played Rari and them like some fools. I told Rari though. I told him plainly not to trust Kayla. He didn't listen. Then, the crazy thing is how the fuck did China get involved. She hated Nikki just as much as I did and I thought China was the realist bitch ever. She faker than a 3 dollar bill. Kayla dumb ass fuck, because Nikki slept with her man. You know what they say hoes hang with other hoes. China fitted right in if you ask me.

Everyone has consequences at the end of the day. So that little stunt they pulled best believe karma is going to come back two times as harder. I hope they be prepared for what they got coming for them, because I got a plan for them hoes.

They fucked over the wrong baby daddy. They better watch out.

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