~~~Chapter 19~~~

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Lucy's Pov

'Warm...' I thought. I tried to get closer to the warm feeling, but all I felt was arms wrap around me. "W-what...?" My eyes shot open when I realized it was..."N-Natsu?!" I screamed in panic. He jointed up looking around. He took a glance back at me and sighed of relief. "Why'd you scare me like that Luce." He yawned and stretched. All I did was shake my head and stand up. "So what's for breakfast Luce?" I turn and started blushing 10 shades of red.

There he was standing without his shirt and pants. Just his boxers. I saw Natsu smirk and put his hands behind his back. "Like what ya see?" He teased. I look down and saw a book given to me by Levy~Chan. My body told me to walk away, but my instincts tells me to throw the book. I'm going for my instincts. I picked up the book and threw it at his face.

The book hit him straight in the nose making it bleed kinda. "Aw..Ruce rwhy would you do that?" He held his nose. "Looks like you got a well good morning greeting." We both turn and saw Yukino with some tissues. "Here you go Natsu. Lucy in sorry but I got to leave in a couple of minutes. Mei has a doctor appointment so she won't be at the store." I nodded and walked to the kitchen. "Rushee Im hungry!!" A sigh escaped my lips. "What do you want?" "Pancakes!" "Pancakes, eggs, and bacon it is!" "Yall might want to hurry its 6:27!"

Natsu jumped from the couch. "What? I need to get some clothes!!" I went over to him and patted his back. "I'm sure you can wear something of Stings." "You sure?" I smiled and nodded. I asked Yukino if Natsu could wear something of Stings. She agreed only if he doesn't ruin them. Breakfast was made and we only have about 10 minutes to get ready. "Lets get your clothes." We headed upstairs to his room. When I got to the door I stared at it. Unsure if I wanted to go in. "Its ok Luce." Deep breaths Lucy! And I open the door. My eyes widen at the first thing I saw. It was a picture of me and him when we were kids. I shook my head and open the closet door. "Lets see...how about this?" It was a red shirt with black sleeves and blue jeans. "Sure." He grabbed the clothes and walked to the bathroom. While he did that I went and got myself ready. Today I decided to wear my red shirt, with a pair of shorts. I put my hair in a braid and put in my earrings. "Luce do I look good?" My door open to reveal Natsu in the clothes. "Y-yea you l-look great." I blushed. He chuckled and went downstairs.

When I finish we left the house and ran to school. "Come on Luce! We'll make it if we run a little faster!" Earlier while we were running I tripped and I think sprang my ankle. So after that I've been slowing down. "You go one ahead Natsu. I'll meet you there." I panted. He stopped and turn around. His eyes went down to the small bruise around my ankle. "When you fell, you got hurt didn't you?" He look at me with worried eyes. "No, no I didn't I'm fine see." I tried taking a step but almost falling instead. Before I touched the ground, Natsu caught me. "Lucy why didn't you say something I would've slowed down to help you?" I shrug and looked away. "Anyways lets get to school. Get on." "What?" "Get on my back silly!" He gave me his goofy grin that I can't resist.





Baka out~~~

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