~~~Chapter 16~~~

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Somewhere No ones Pov

  Lucy stirred in her sleep trying to find something warm. "Ugh..." Lucy's eyes slowly open and then she realized she had fallen asleep a the park bench. "What time is it?" She checked her phone. "5:50? That gives me time to find a place and get ready." She looked around and saw a caffe. "Maybe they can let me change in th- cough-there." 

 They allowed her to change in there restrooms. She thanked them and made her way to school. "Ouch..." She slightly touch the black eye that has gotten worse. "He had to hit me in the same spot..." "Who hit you now?" 

Lucy pov

I turn around and saw Minerva and Angel. "Answer her mute!" I shook my head  and continue walking. "Was it daddy that hit you?" My eyes widen in shock as I stopped. "Oh, I must be correct. Haha! Little mute is being abuse by her daddy." I tried walking away but my legs wouldn't move. "Does Natsu know? Or anyone else?" "No, so let's keep it like that." I said when I look back at her. I gave them a cold glare. Minerva smirk along with Angel. "Your right, he'll probably be disgusted with you. Maybe his friends too." I frowned. She's right. He'll probably be disgusted. Everyone. "What about your brother, Sting? When he was younger and left you. He was disgusted with you." She said. "Hell I bet he died because of you! I wouldn't blame him I would have too!" I ran away tears in my eyes. "Stop calling me shirmp please." I know that voice. "Lu~Chan? Why are you cry?" levy asked when she saw me. "I-I-I... Levy~Chan..." My head rested on her shoulder. "Oh Lu..." i felt her pat my head. " Do you want to tell us whats wrong?" I nodded and we walk to the libary. "So whats up?:" Gajeel ask. "I dont want to be alone. I cant handle that...not no more. Everyone is leaving me. MY mom, Sting, so is my dad. We're like drifting apart and its scary me." "Lu, your never alone. You have us, you got Yukino. And theres more people out who'll have your back." She ambrace me in a tight hug. Gajeel just patted my head. "Thanks Levy." 

After school

 "Luce~~" I groan and turn around. "Hey Natsu."  I waved. "Can you tell me  how you met the dragneels?" We walked around town while I told him about how I met them. "So some perv lay there hands on my baby sister then decided to lay hands on you? Next time I see him..." I saw his fist tighter. "You scared him off last night. That's something." I said. "What's worst is that he gave you a black eye..." He began muttering things. "Hey want to get some shakes? I know a place not to far from here."  He did a goofy smile. "Yea!"


All I can really think about right was my dad...mama...and Sting. "Uh...are you ok?" I look up at Natsu and nodded. "Yea...I was...thinking." Tears began filling my eyes. "Whoa why are you crying?! Did I do something?!" I shook my head and threw the money on the table. "I have to go. Bye Mira tell Lis I said hi." I wiped my tears and ran out. "Wait Lucy!" I heard Natsu call. I didn't look back I just kept running. Next thing I hear was a loud honking. "LUCY!!!" Then I was on the concrete with arms wrap around me. "L-Luce..." Natsu wrapped his arm tighter around me. I started blushing. "Please...never do that again...please..." His voice crack at the end like he sounded of he was going to cry. "Please..." "ok..."

Three Months Later

Its been three months since the day Natsu saved me by getting hit. I eventually had to tell everyone I was homeless at one point. They all found it sad. Levy insisted I should live with her, but I said no I'll just go to Yukino. Hm...I wonder how she's doing? I haven't talk to her since Sting past away.

"LUUUUCCCCCEEEE!!!~~~~~" I sighed and turn around. "Yes Natsu?" "Meet me at lunch today!!! Promise!" To be honest everytime he's around I get butterflies in my stomach. "Ok I'll be there!" Is it because I'm getting sick or....

Am I falling in love.....

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