~~Chapter 14~~

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Lucy's Pov

  I decided to head back with Natsu to the group. Even though i don't want to, I thought it might be nice to see them again. "LUUUUUUUUU~~~~~~CHHHAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Than a small short body ran into me knocking me off my feet. "I missed you!!!!!!!" i chuckled and hugged my friend. " I missed you too...all of you." "Love-Rival? Juvia wants to know where you got that bruise at." Juvia pointed to my arm that had a big bruise on it. "Yea what happened?" I got up and shook my hands. "This? I fell off my bed landing on my foot stool really hard. Nothing bad really." I smiled. That's not the real story, but it'll have to do. "Well be careful next time." Erza said. I nodded.


   "Time for class. Cya later." I waved goodbye going to my art class with Erza, Juvia, and Aries.

Art Class

"Sorry to disturb you Lucy~sama but that's really good" Aries pointed at my drawing. It was drawing of one of my maids ( I scretly call them friends) friends, Aquarius. I always thought she would be a perfect mermaid so i always drew her as a mermaid. "Thank you."  Everyone crowed around our table when the second bell rang. All because of the three. Also with people crowding around us i was shoved out of the crowd. "Get out the way mute." I got up and moved to the back of the class. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU AND JELLAL BEEN DATING?" " ARIES YOU HAVE SUCH PRETTY HAIR!" "JUVIA WHY DO YOU SPEAK THIRD PERSON?" Questions questions questions. I sighed and started my new drawing.

After school No ones Pov

Lucy was only half way out the school gates when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. "Heya Luce! Wanna hang out at our place?" Lucy blushed and shook her head. "Sorry N-natsu i have to get home..." she whispered. Nastu stopped and his tracks. "Are you ok? You've been acting weirdly all day." Lucy nodded and continued walking. "Luuucccce~~~~" Nastu pouted. Lucy didn't turn back. Natsu sighed. 'Plan B...'. Lucy heard footsteps running towards her. She took a peak to see Natsu running at her. Before she could get out of the way, Natsu came and threw her over his shoulders. "AAH! N-n-natsu what are you doing?!" Lucy yelled. Natsu chuckled evily and continued running. 

Hours past

  Lucy was now in Natsu's arms sleeping. Nastu was still walking to the place he wanted to show her. It was about 6:59 probly. Finally Natsu found the spot. "Lucy...Luce wake up.." Lucy stirred a bit then blushed when she found out she was in his arms. "Ah! I'm sorry!" She got out of his arms and look where they we're at. "Natsu, where are we?" He put his finger on her lips. She blush and was about to speak, but Natsu shushed her once more. "It's about to happen..." "What is....?" Then a firefly lit up. Then another. And another. Soon the whole sky was filled with bright fireflies. Lucy's eyes sparked at the beautiful sky. "Woah....." Natsu stared at her and the fireflies. "This is so....pretty." Lucy said. Natsu smiled softly at her. "This is the forest of firefly lights. They light up every night in the summer time. But they were forgotten for a while...but I remember." 

They stayed there for an hour talking and gazing. "Wait what time is it?!" Lucy ask. "Uh 7:50." Lucy jumped up quickly. "I need to go bye!" Natsu didn't even get to say anything but watch her run off.

Lucy's house

 Lucy made it to the house and quietly open the door. When she got inside she was greeted with a hit in the face. "Where*hic* were you?" Lucy stayed quiet not wanting to say anything. Jude growled and grab her by the hair. Lucy groan in pain but refuse to scream. "Your lucky I'm in a ok mood. Go upstairs. No dinner for the rest of the month." She nodded and ran off to her room crying. 

Next day

 Natsu came to school all happy about last night. "Why are you so happy Natsu?" Erza asked. "I can't wait to see Luce that's all." Gray held in his laugh as well as Loki. "Guys it's simple. Natsu banged Bunny girl." Gray and Loki couldn't hold there laughter no more. Loki wrapped his arm around Aries. "You idiots! No I didn't we just went somewhere last night." Natsu looked at the gates and saw a girl with a black jacket walk fast past them. "Luce?" The girl didn't stop but walk faster. "Wait Luce!" Natsu walked up to her and stopped her. "Hey you ok?" Lucy tried getting out of the way but Natsu wouldn't let her. "I'm f-fine." Natsu sighed and took her around the school leaving the group confuse. 

Lucy still hasn't said a word or even look at him. Natsu stopped suddenly and took off her hood. She gasp and looked sat Natsu's shocked face. "W-what happen?" Lucy had a black eye. She sighed and look down. "On my way home some kids were playing baseball I wasn't watching where I was going and the ball hit me." Lucy walked off not wanting to say anymore.



Hey guys I'm back with a chapter.  

If you have any ideas or comments please let me know.


~~~~~~Baka Out~~~~~~



 Thank you for some funny comments that made me smile so thank you.

I had to edited this a couple of times sorry

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