~~~Chapter 9~~~

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Lucy's Pov

   We all sat down and started talking. "Hey Rogue are you and Mei together?" Yukino ask a blushing Mei and a slightly blushed Rogue. "Uh ...no" Me and Sting laughed at Yukino's little question. "Oh yea Lucy you didn't get to finish talking about your friends." I stared at Sting who was smiling like crazy. "Yea Lulu how'd you meet them?" I looked at Rogue and Mei who seems confuse about what's going on. "My friends are FairyTail." Mei jumped up and down and Rogue just sat there shock just like Sting. "Well three of them are in some of my classes. It was Jellal, Loke, and...who was it... Oh yea Natsu!" I said Yukino and Mei fangirls and started talking about who was better. "I have in idea!!" Yukino chirped and went to grab something.

 We all stared at her than at each other. Sting shook his head and put his hand to his forehead. "Sting, you ok?" I asked looking at him worried. He nodded and smiled. "Yea just a little headache don't worry." I frowned but nodded. Yukino finally came down with a radio and a CD. Mei got up to help her set the thing up. "Ok pick a number between 1 to 10!" Mei asked. I said 5, Rogue said, 10, and Sting said 2. "Let's go in order Rogue, Lucy and Sting. Deal?" We all agreed as she put the song on.

I gasp as the song started playing. "Yep Light em' Up! Come on LuLu dance!"

Be careful making wishes in the dark dark

Can't be sure when they've hit their mark, mark

And besides in the mean, mean time

I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart

I shook my head in protest but she didn't accept and dragged me out to the open area.

I'm in the de-details with the devil

So now the world can never get me on my level

I just got to get you out of the cage

I'm a young lover's rage

Gonna need a spark to ignite

Everyone started laughing and smiling.

My songs know what you did in the dark

So light 'em up up up

Light 'em up up up

Light 'em up up up

I'm on fire

So light 'em up up up

Light 'em up up up

Light 'em up up up

I'm on fire

In the dark dark

In the dark dark

All the writers keep writing what they write, write

Somewhere another pretty vein just died

I've got the scars from tomorrow and

I wish you could see, see

That you're the antidote to everything except for me, me

A constellation of tears on your lashes

Burn everything you love, then burn the ashes

In the end everything collides

My childhood spat back out the monster that you see

My songs know what you did in the dark

So light 'em up up up

Light 'em up up up

Light 'em up up up

I'm on fire

After we danced and laughed it was around 2 'O Clock. 'I should probably see when Natsu wants me to come over.' I got out my phone and started texting Natsu.

(N=Natsu L=Lucy)

L= Hey Natsu

N= Lucy how you doin?

L= I'm good how about you and the band?

N= Eh, we were practicing until you text.

L= Opps sorry to disturb 

N= Lol Luce it's ok I rather text you than practice.

I blushed at his comment. Apparently Mei and Yukino saw it and smirked.

"So LuLu who you texting?" She said with the smirk on her face. "N-No one.." I said trying to get the words out. "Well it has to be somebody. Who's the guy?" Mei laughed. "It's obviously somebody from FairyTail!" Both of them nodded. I looked to Sting and Rogue for help. All they did was chuckled and shrugged. "Yes it's somebody from FairyTail and its Natsu." I said they squealed loudly

N= Luce ya there?

L= Ya sorry my bothers girlfriend is being her weird self again. (^^)

N= Ok hey about tonight, I'll pick you up just tell me where and I'll be there.

L= Um ok, what time by the way?

N= Around 5

I told him he can pick me up here but bewere of the to Fangirls.

Sting got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of pills. I'm guessing that headache is really bothering him. 


About 3 hours has past and Natsu is on his way. Before he got here we listen to more of there songs. Finally he got here. "Hey Lucy! Your rides here!" I nodded and gave Sting a hug and waved goodbye. 

I got in the car to see Natsu in the back with Gajeel and Gray in the front. From what I could tell was that Natsu looked green. "He has motion sickness." Gray pointed out I made my mouth look like a O shape in got in. "H*gulp*Hey L-Luce.." He tried to say but failed. I told him he could put his head in my lap. He didn't hesitate and layed in my lap. "Gaaaahhhhh......." He moaned  I just rubbed his head and smiled. Gajeel and Gray were arguing about which food was better. Chinese food or Sea food. "Hey bunny Girl which one is better Sea food or Chinese food?" I gave a confuse look. "Why?" "We don't know we argue about stupid stuff. I hate Sea food but it's better than Chinese." I giggled and Gajeel said the same thing but switched it around.

---30 minutes later---

We arrived at the karoke place. Natsu jumped out kissing the ground earning weird looks from people walking around and also squeals from girls. "Come on let's go!" Natsu grabbed my wrist and started running to the door following by Gray and Gajeel. "We're here!" Gray yelled. A tall girl with blue hair ran and hugged Gray. "Gray~sama Juvia missed you!" She talks third perso ? That's pretty impressive I gotta say. "Hey Juvia." Gray smiled and pecked her lips." Nice to see ya Shrimp." Then I saw a light blue head hit his arm. "My names not shrimp!" Levy turn and saw me. "Lu~Chan!" She jump and gave me a hug of course I hugged back. "Guess what I got a new book! Wanna cheak it out?" I nodded. "Wow already talking about books?" We heard Gajeel say.

Later on Erza and Jellal showed up with a thing of strawberry cake. "Hello everyone, Lucy I see you were able to make it." I smiled and started talking to all the girls. While the guys were smirking and whispering.

They walked up to us. "Hey how about we have a singing competition?" Jellal said. "Yea Jellal and Erza, Me and Shirmp, and Natsu and Bunny girl." 

End of Chapter 9 I hope everyone liked it. The song That Lucy and the others were listening to was called Light Em' Up by Fall Out Boy. They are amazing! Like I said hope y'all enjoyed this. Bye!

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