Chap 2: Two-peat

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I greeted you a happy birthday. I thought it was May 17 but I was two days advanced. You were laughing at me as I got it wrong. Your laugh made me fall for you more and wanted to see it more often. At least I was the first ever human who greeted you ahead of your special day.

When your birthday came, I greeted you again through a text. You didn't invite me, I was kind of upset and thought you're not yet ready to see me again. But who am I to demand, right?

When we exchanged replies, you started to open up with me, just like old times. And yes, it meant a lot to me. But at the same time, it was sad as you told me your father had passed away. For almost a year of being away from your life with no communication at all, I felt like useless. Again, regrets filled me. If only I didn't confess, then may be I am at your side giving you comforts and a shoulder to lean on. You rarely opened up to anyone and bore the pain on yourself, I wondered how you keep going throughout the day. But of course, I knew you're stronger than anyone else.

Sometimes, as I thought about it, I become selfish. Who would have confessed without love? Only the foolish ones and I am one of them.

I badly wanted to see you and hug you tight but urged not to. Who am I to demand, right? I'm just the damned fool who played at you.

As I was writing this letter, you might notice the center part have been crumpled and drenched by a clear liquid. I'm sorry for that, I could not control my eyes anymore from being reddened.

The day after I greeted you, I finally gathered all my strength to ask you to have a date with me. I emphasized the word date on my text and surprisingly you didn't react negatively at all! I felt happy then. It gave me a new hope! You replied "When's the date then? I would be available any time except May 26 to 30." And my two ears were clapping of excitement!

I was busy due to school stuffs so right after I finished the school orientation, I immediately asked you if you were available today and you said you were. My heart distinctly beats faster than normal for I am going to see you again! I prepared everything for I didn't want to become weaponless. I bought a greeting card and wrote you my ever first love letter. I have not even done this to my ex! I bought you your fave chocolates. I used to be given chocolates by someone elses but for you, everything got reciprocated. I wanted to buy plastic flowers as I told you thru text but I hated its facade quality.  I wanted to buy real ones but realized I didn't have enough time to find a flower shop as I didn't want to be late to our date.

You were out from work at 3:45 pm, I realized I've been too early. I have never been so early in all of my life, to break a record, you were my reason for the first time. I didn't complain at all, I was still smiling all ears until you came.

Seeing you again made me believe there's a slow motion that has existed. I couldn't take off of my eyes at you even though you're just wearing a scrub suit. You were so skinny, I didn't like that body type but today, I have liked everything in you. Those that I detested most before were now the most I liked.

You love pizza but I don't. But your likings will always be followed for it's more fun to see you happy than my happiness. You asked me why I brought a big backpack and I answered sarcastically and defensively. When the truth was, your present was inside my bag and I was so embarrassed to give it to you.

I wanted to watch a movie right after dinner but you were so busy on your phone and thought you wanted to hurry home. So I ended up accompanying you to the parking lot where your car was there. It was raining and the good thing was you have an umbrella with you so we shared since I didn't bring one. I have held your shoulder with the umbrella on my other hand and there's a friction that had electrified me when I touched you. For me, it was the best feeling.

Before you get in, I unzipped my bag and gave you my present and warned you to open it alone. You said you were thankful and were sorry because you hadn't given me my present on my birthday. I only wanted you to be my present but of course it's too much.

I didn't get a hug from her. But it's okay. Love is not that easy to win. It needs hardwork.

An hour after, while I was driving my car smiling like a fool, I received a text from her. She said, " I accepted you for who and what you are because you are one of my very good friend that I will treasure and cherish. You know, I dont want to lose that. I am just contented and happy for what we have and I hope we wouldn't change it. Okay?"

I stopped driving home and went to a cafe instead. I don't want to get drunk by an alcohol in my system so coffee is better as a substitute. I also knew I didn't have another option but to accept her decision. That little hope I have was perished after that text.

Once again, she rejected me. Jho will only look at me as her bestfriend. What a sad truth to live at.


Alright. It's Bea's. Hehe.

Thank you readers!

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