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The next day passes by relatively quickly. Stiles only captures the morning in a few moments. One: Waking up. Two: eating breakfast. Three: His final appointment with his doctor. Four: Being prescribed pain killers for when goes back home, if he needs them. By late afternoon, Stiles is more than ready to leave. Melissa has unhooked him from all the machines, meaning he doesn't have to hear that annoying heart monitor anymore. Stiles has gotten changed into his own clothes and shoes, which his dad brought over for him the day before. The bandages around his ribs are taken off and the stitches in his stomach and head are checked. Doctor Trent tells Stiles that they will dissolve in eight more days, but if there are any problems, he should not hesitate to come back here and get them checked out. Stiles nods in understanding. Stiles walks around the room a few times, his ribs not hurting him at all, thank goodness. It feels weird to walk again though, since he has been lying in a bed for pretty much two months. Stiles knows that he'll have to go jogging soon, to try and get him back to the habit of using his legs. Maybe not straight away, as it might bust up his stitches. Stiles would prefer to not have to go to the hospital for a while.

At around 4pm, Melissa walks into Stiles' room with a smile on her face. She watches for a moment as Stiles paces back and forth, seemingly deep in thought. "Stiles?" Melissa asks gently. Stiles turns his attention to the nurse, a little surprised to see her here as he didn't hear her entering the room. "Yeah? What's up?" Stiles replies curiously.

"Have you got all of your stuff?" Melissa asks the brown haired boy curiously.

"By all my stuff, if you mean my phone, yeah I've got it." Stiles answers, patting his back pocket. Melissa chuckles and shakes her head. "Come on, Scott and your dad are waiting downstairs. Your dad is filling out the release papers right now." Melissa tells Stiles. The boy's eyes light up with excitement and he hurriedly follows Melissa out of the room. He quickly gives her a hug. "Thank you. For everything. There are no words that describe how grateful I am." Stiles tells Melissa quietly. The nurse hugs Stiles back with a smile on her face. "It was not a problem, Stiles. I was just doing my job." Melissa says, rubbing Stiles' back soothingly. Once the two pull apart, they walk towards the elevator with anticipation clear in the air. As they enter the elevator, Stiles thinks about what he'll do when he sees his father and his boyfriend. Stiles' heart leaps with excitement. He turns to Melissa and looks at her with curiosity. "How do you do it?" Stiles asks in wonder. Melissa frowns in confusion and turns to Stiles.  "How do I do what?" She asks him.

"Work at a hospital? It must be hard. You would see a lot of awful things. You're always surrounded by death, pain, sickness and misery. Even with what I went through, even though it's nothing compared to what others have been through, I can't imagine how difficult it would have been for you. Especially with the whole Jackson suffocating me thing. How did you not panic and freeze up? You just leapt into action." Stiles explains himself.

"Well, thank you for that compliment, Stiles." Melissa chuckles a little.

"But you do make working at a hospital sound morbid. Which it can be, I guess, but there's so much good here too. We get to save lives, just like yours. It might be hard to watch sometimes, but it's worth it in the end if we get to send patients home happy and healthy." Melissa explains. Stiles nods in understanding.

"Well, thank you for doing what you do. I know I wouldn't be able to do it." Stiles replies.

"You're welcome, Stiles." Melissa says with a smile. The elevator makes ding and the doors open to the ground floor. Melissa and Stiles step out of the lift and make their way through the corridors, towards the front desk. Eventually, the front desk comes into sight. Stiles can see Scott and his dad leaning over the desk, talking to the nurse at the desk. The Sheriff is signing the last couple of papers. Stiles' face lights up with a massive smile. "What are you waiting for? Go see them." Melissa encourages Stiles with a smile of her own. With that, Stiles takes off running, dodging the people milling around him. It feels good to run again. It feels good to use his feet. He likes the feeling of his pounding heart. He likes the feeling of blood pumping around his body as his muscles move. He continues to run forward to the front desk, his smile never wavering. "Scott!" Stiles calls out excitedly.

Scott turns around to see who was calling him. Scott's eyes light up when he sees his boyfriend running towards him. "Stiles!" Scott steps away from the desk a little as Stiles runs up to him and jumps into his arms. Scott holds Stiles protectively in his grasp, not wanting to let go of him again. "I love you." Stiles whispers before he buries his face into Scott's shirt, a smile still on his face. Scott also is wearing a smile as he holds his boyfriend in his arms, relieved that he is here with him again. "I love you too." Scott presses a kiss to Stiles' head before resting his chin on Stiles' shoulder. Neither boy care about the many people watching their reunion. Eventually, they pull apart, but their hands are still clasped together comfortingly. Scott can't wipe the smile off his face and neither can Stiles. "It's good to see you out of bed." Scott points out, causing Stiles to giggle a little bit.

"Well, it feels good to be out of bed." Stiles replies.

"Thanks for coming with my dad to get me today." Stiles tells his boyfriend, looking at him with love and gratitude.

"It was not a problem, Stiles. Of course I wanted to come here." Scott replies, gazing back at Stiles with the same love.

"Are you looking forward to going home?" Scott asks curiously.

"Hell yeah! I'm so sick of this place now." Stiles laughs.

"I felt like that when I had to stay here for my mom's shifts after school or something, since there was no one else to take care for me and I was too young to stay on my own. It wasn't exactly the same as what you went through, but it has its similarities." Scott replies. Stiles nods in understanding. He lets go of Scott's hand so he can walk over to his dad, who has just finished signing the release papers. The father and son pull each other in for a warm hug, laughing in relief, saying how glad that the other is okay and how much they love one another. Scott smiles fondly at the sight. He wishes he had a father like Stiles, but people can't have everything, right? Besides, his mother is amazing and he loves her with all his heart. Speaking of Melissa, Scott notices her watching him, Stiles and the Sheriff by the edge of the room with a smile on her face. Scott looks over to her and gives her a thumbs up. Melissa smiles in response, happy that everything is turning out okay.

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