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Malia: Uh, so Scott said that texting you helps deal with the pain, so I thought I should try it, even if you can't read these text messages. Makes us feel like you're still here with us awake and well somehow, I guess.

Malia: I miss you so much, Stiles. It has only been three days since I found you lying on the ground behind the school, but it feels like longer.

Malia: Everyone misses you.

Malia: School has this weird feeling to it now. Even the people who didn't know you have been acting differently.

Malia: We are all finding it hard to cope, but I think Scott is struggling the most. He's been cutting himself off from everyone. He says that he is fine, but it is so clear that he isn't. He just wants you to wake up, Stiles. We all do.

Malia: We have been best friends since we were six years old. We have been through everything together. No matter what obstacles we faced, we got over them together. We've laughed together and cried together. I could talk to you about anything. I knew I could always count on you to be there.

Malia: I even miss your hyperactiveness and spastic side to you. Everything is just... Too quiet without it.

Malia: I hope that one day you will be able to read these messages. I wonder if you'll remember what I tell you when I come to visit you in the hospital?

Malia: I might as well give you an update on how you are going.

Malia: You're still stable and your wounds are slowly healing, but you're also still in a coma, showing no signs of waking up.

Malia: Every time I see you lying in that hospital bed hooked up to all sorts of drips and machines as well as hear that heart monitor beeping, it takes all my effort not to scream and punch something. This isn't fair!

Malia: I want the person who did this to you to pay for what you've done. I want them to suffer.

Malia: I know that you're against revenge and stuff, but this has gone too far. I can't let someone who almost killed my best friend walk around thinking that they have done nothing wrong, never paying for their actions. I just can't. If I find who did this, I will beat the shit out of them. I'm sorry Stiles. Please don't hate me for it. I think you would do the same for me.

Malia: I went to your house yesterday to see how your father was doing. I don't think he's taking it very well. There was a lot of crying and I saw quite a number of beer bottles in the kitchen, which is not a good sign...

Malia: I told Scott's mom and she is trying to help your dad through it. I don't want to see your dad go back to the way he was when your mom died. It was terrible for the both of you.

Malia: Anyway, please just keep fighting, Stiles. We all miss you badly. We need you. I need you. I don't want to graduate and go off to college without you, so you better wake up.

Malia: Please wake up...

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