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Scott: Stilts

Stiles: ???

Scott: You shald cone purtha with mah

Stiles: Um, what?

Stiles: Scott, it's 4am, why are you texting me now? You woke me up >:(

Scott: The day iz onlie yung. Come parti. I wanna no whoo u areeerskfk

Stiles: ...Are you drunk texting me?

Scott: Maaaaybeeeeeee

Stiles: Ugh... Wow, I've never seen drunk texting as bad as yours. Are you using your nose to type with or something?!

Scott: Noooooooooo

Scott: y u thunked thaaat?

Stiles: Never mind. Are you still at Jackson's?

Scott: Yezh

Stiles: Okay, I'm coming to get you. I'll take you home. You're clearly too drunk to drive. Or walk home, for that matter. I'll be there soon.

Stiles puts his phone down and quietly gets out of bed. "Oh Scott, I thought I told you to be careful and take care of yourself," Stiles sighs and shakes his head slightly. He's annoyed that Scott had to wake him up at 4am. Stiles is not a morning person. At least it's a Saturday morning, meaning no school. However, Stiles is more concerned about how Scott is acting. He wants to make sure that he's safe, even if it means revealing his identity. Stiles is just thankful that he had to go to Jackson's house to drop off his homework a few times. Stiles luckily remembers the way. He slides on some shoes, grabs his phone and keys and then slowly and quietly sneaks out of the house. He rushes over to his jeep and jumps in. He starts puts the key in ignition, starts the engine and starts driving to Jackson's house.

When Stiles arrives, he hears loud music still blaring. His parents must be out or something. Stiles wonders why the police haven't turned up yet for a noise complaint or something. Oh well, that doesn't really matter. Stiles is here now. He should go check things out to make sure that everything is okay. Stiles gets out of his jeep and walks towards the front door of the massive house, with empty plastic cups littering the front yard. Only then does he realize that he's in his PJs. He brushes off the realisation. All the teenagers here will be drunk out of their minds anyway. Stiles takes a deep breath before knocking loudly on the door. After about 10 seconds, someone opens the door. Stiles recognizes the girl as Lydia. Her hair is all messed up, her lipstick is smudged and she's only wearing a pink crop top and a short purple skirt. Stiles assumes that her shirt must be discarded inside somewhere. Lydia grins at Stiles and giggles. "Welcome to the party! Go Beacon Hills!" Lydia shouts a little too loudly and staggers on her feet. It does not help that she is wearing high heels.

"Uh, thanks." Stiles replies as he steps inside. The music only gets louder, making Stiles' ears hurt slightly. Lydia closes the door behind them. "You ready to party? I can show you how, if you want." A drunk Lydia giggles and pulls Stiles closer to her by the collar of his shirt. Then one of her hands grabs onto the waistband of Stiles' pajama pants. Stiles gulps nervously. He then gently pries her hands away and takes a step back before Lydia does something that she will regret. "Um, have you seen Scott? Lacrosse team captain?" Stiles asks her over the blaring music. Lydia thinks about it for a moment. Stiles ignores the teenagers shrieking and running around them wildly. "Uh, I think he went upstairs with Allison." Lydia finally answers.

"You should join them. I've heard that threesomes are fun." Lydia smirks and giggles.

"Um, no thanks, but thank you anyway." Stiles hastily replies before jogging up the stairs. It's slightly more quiet upstairs, but not by much. He can hear moaning coming from the bathroom. He also heard the name 'Cameron' being mumbled from the bathroom. Stiles would rather not check what's happening there. He manoeuvres himself through the throng of people crowding the hallway. He opens the doors to each of the rooms to see if Scott is in any of them. Unfortunately, Stiles has no luck. Stiles groans and pushes people out of the way as he heads back downstairs. He really doesn't want to be here. Suddenly, someone decides to throw up right next to Stiles, who immediately jumps out of the way. The smell is putrid and the sounds of the person throwing up make Stiles' stomach squirm.

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