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Stiles: Malia

Malia: Stiles

Stiles: Will you go to prom with me?

Stiles: Platonically, of course.

Malia: What? I thought we agreed that we weren't going.

Stiles: I changed my mind.

Malia: Ugh, that would mean I would have to get a DRESS. And have my hair and makeup done. MAKEUP. Ew! You know how I hate dresses and makeup!

Stiles: Haha. Well, that also means I have to get a suit and stuff like that, so you know. I hate that stuff too.

Malia: I would rather just stay at your place and binge watch 'American Horror Story' on Netflix while stuffing our faces popcorn, just like we do almost every Friday night. What made you change your mind?

Stiles: Isaac convinced me I should go. I have been wanting to go to prom for years. Especially as a senior. It's our last chance to go to this, you know?

Malia: Yeah, I get it.

Stiles: Since neither of us have a bf or gf, I thought it would be good for us to go together. I wouldn't want to go to prom alone anyway. I don't need to be seen as more of a loser than I already am.

Malia: We would be the 'gay best friends' couple.

Stiles: Yep. There's always one couple like that.

Malia: By the way, you're not a loser. Not to me.

Stiles: Or we're both just losers :P

Malia: That's okay. At least we can be losers together :)

Stiles: So, are you in or are you out?

Malia: I guess I'm in. We will be the most awesome couple there. People will be jealous of how awesome we are.

Stiles: And we're not even a couple.

Malia: Exactly! Also, if we are going to do this right, we'll need to dance.

Stiles: I'm fine with that.

Malia: I always figured you had two left feet.

Stiles: Malia, I'm not THAT bad at dancing, I can dance, I usually just don't try. There hasn't been any reason for me to.

Malia: You haven't danced all this time just so you can blow everyone away with your awesome dancing skills at our senior prom?

Stiles: Yeah, pretty much.

Malia: That's commitment.

Stiles: Yeah, haha.

Stiles: I know we can discuss this later, but do you want me to pick you up at 6pm on Friday night so we can grab some dinner before prom?

Malia: Yeah, it sounds good. Then we will walk into prom looking fabulous ;)

Stiles: You know it ;)

Malia: Anyway, my dad is calling for me for some reason. I'll talk to you later, okay?

Stiles: Yeah, sure. Have fun with whatever it is you're doing!

Malia: I'll try.

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