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*Stiles Stilinski created a group chat with: Scott McCall, Malia Tate, Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura and Liam Dunbar*

Stiles: So, I've finally been allowed my phone back :)

Scott: Yay!

Liam: Wait, how did you read our messages that we sent you if you didn't have your phone then?

Lydia: His dad obviously let him use his phone for a while but didn't let him keep it, you dummy.

Liam: Oh. Right.

Kira: XD

Allison: How are you feeling, Stiles?

Stiles: Good. The doctor said I'll probably be able to go home on Friday. He said that I'll have to take it easy for a few more weeks though.



Stiles: Woah, Malia, calm down there, okay? XD

Kira: Did you spaz out on your phone? :P

Malia: No! I'm just glad that Stiles is coming home!

Scott: We all are. I'm so relieved that you'll be able to leave that damn hospital soon. I hate going there every day, so I can't imagine what it feels like for you, who has been living there for two months (including the coma).

Stiles: Trust me. I'm super glad too.

Isaac: We should totally throw you a welcome home party!

Liam: Yeah!

Allison: That would be fun :)

Lydia: You definitely deserve a party.

Stiles: As awesome as that sounds, I think I'll pass. I have to take it easy, remember? Besides, at the last party that I went to, I had to take an extremely drunk Scott McCall home. He was so wasted. He didn't remember anything the next day, including who took him home :P

Scott: Hey!

Malia: Omfg, that would've been so funny!

Scott: I wasn't the only one drunk!

Stiles: Trust me Scott, I know. Some of the things that you guys were doing... I would rather not talk about. Allison was a bit drunk. Lydia, you were drunk. Kira was drunk. Liam was very drunk.

Lydia: Oh god...

Kira: What did I do?!

Liam: What happened? What was so bad?

Allison: I kind of remember bits and pieces of the party, but it's very blurry.

Isaac: Aww man, I wish I was there!

Stiles: I'm not telling you what you guys did. I'll leave you with the mystery >:)

Scott: There's the Mystery Boy I know and love.

Stiles: ;)

Lydia: Please tell us what happened, Stiles.

Stiles: Nope. All I'll tell you is that it's probably not a good idea to have a welcome home party for me if you have alcohol there.

Liam: But a party without alcohol is not a party :(

Stiles: Liam, you're barely 16! You shouldn't even be drinking!

Liam: Neither should any of you.

Stiles: But you even more so.

Scott: Stiles is right. Besides, I'm sure anyone who got drunk at that party can agree that hangovers are the worst.

Lydia: Yep.

Kira: I agree wholeheartedly with that.

Allison: ^^

Liam: I guess.

Stiles: Maybe we can throw a party a bit later on once I can go back to my normal pace, but with NO alcohol. I'd rather not have to save of your asses.

Malia: But it'd be funny.

Stiles: No. I really don't want to know what you would do if you were drunk.

Malia: You're probably right there.

Scott: Still. We should all hang over at your house and have a movie marathon or something, eating all sorts of junk food to welcome you home. What do you say?

Stiles: Yeah, that sounds good.

Scott: Great! It's settled then. We'll be at your house on Friday night, 7pm.

Stiles: Okay.

Scott: But I'll be coming with your dad to pick you up from the hospital though. I asked yesterday and he said yes.

Allison: Aww, that's so sweet of you, Scott!

Lydia: ^^

Isaac: Cute

Kira: <3

Liam: That's nice of you, Scott.

Malia: Scott, I am glad to see that you're treating my best friend right.

Scott: Well, of course. He means everything to me.

Allison: *dies of cuteness overload*

Liam: RIP Allison.

Stiles: Thanks Scott, that's really sweet of you. And you mean everything to me too :)

Kira: *dies screaming with happiness*

Lydia: *dies*

Isaac: Maybe you guys should stop before you kill everyone.

Malia: That's a good idea ^^

Scott: Haha, okay. I'll be seeing Stiles soon anyway.

Stiles: Really?

Scott: Yeah. I'm just about to head down to the hospital now :)

Stiles: Yay!

Allison: *revived* Ugh, stop being so cute, you're going to kill me again.

Stiles: Haha, very funny. Anyway, I'll talk to you guys later. I think I'm about to have dinner.

Kira: Alright, bye Stiles!

Scott: See you soon, babe

Allison: *dies again*

Liam: See you soon!

Lydia: Enjoy your dinner

Malia: See you tomorrow

Isaac: Goodnight Stiles

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