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*Hours later*
Scott: Hey, how did your chemistry test go?

Stiles: Good, I think.

Scott: That's good to hear. I hope you aced it!

Stiles: Yeah, me too.

Scott: How was your day?

Stiles: Okay, I guess. What about yours?

Scott: Yeah, mine was okay. There was this one incident though. I ran into this guy at school between periods. He refused to look at me for a while, but when he finally did, I saw that his nose was bleeding heavily and his lip was cut and bleeding also.

Stiles: Oh no! What happened? Is he okay?

Scott: He tripped and fell apparently. Anyway, I took him to the nurse's office so she could fix him up. I'm sure he's fine. It didn't seem like anything TOO serious.

Stiles: Hmm... Why are you telling me this?

Scott: I don't know... Just something that was on my mind, I guess. I like talking to you. I feel like I can talk to you about anything that's bothering me or that is on my mind. Is that weird?

Stiles: No, no, I feel the same way about you.

Scott: Good, because that could have been very awkward, haha :P

Stiles: Haha indeed.

Stiles: I'm sure that guy was grateful that you helped him today. You're a good guy, Scott.

Scott: Thanks. I think the guy was grateful, but I couldn't really tell. I didn't even get to find out his name.

Scott: And I try to be a good person, but it's not always easy. I do stuff up and make bad decisions sometimes.

Stiles: Of course. You're only human, Scott. We all make mistakes. None of us are perfect.

Scott: Yeah, I guess so :)

Stiles: Did I just lift your mood?

Scott: Yep.

Stiles: Yay! Mission accomplished.

Scott: You wanted to make me feel better?

Stiles: Well, yeah, that's what friends do, right?

Stiles: We are friends, aren't we?

Stiles: Hello? You still there?

Stiles: Did I weird you out? I'm sorry if I did :(

Stiles: Scott?

Scott: Sorry, sorry! I just had to talk to my mom for a minute. She was asking what I wanted for dinner. By the way, you don't weird me out at all. You're one of the few people that I can actually be myself around. I'm glad that you think we are friends too :)

Stiles: Haha, okay. What did you say? For dinner, I mean.

Scott: Pizza XD

Stiles: Of course. I should change your contact name to 'Pizza Boy'.

Scott: Wow, would you really do that?

Stiles: Maybe.

Scott: What should I call you then?

Stiles: I don't know, you decide.

Scott: I can't! I'm terrible with nicknames XD

Stiles: Well, that's why I came up with 'Stiles'. It's much better than my real name.

Scott: Ugh, you still need to tell me your real name and your last name. I'm dying here.

Stiles: Maybe one day.

Scott: You really want to be mysterious, don't you?

Scott: I've got a name for you now.

Stiles: What is it?

Scott: Mystery Boy.

Stiles: Haha, very funny, Scott XD

Scott: Let me tell you what I know about 'Mystery Boy'.

Stiles: Sure. Go ahead and explain to me what your description of me is :P

Scott: His life, his face and his name are a mystery. Maybe he loved mysteries so much, he decided to be one. Yet, there is something about this Mystery Boy. Something that draws me to him. Something that wants me to know more about him. To know what secrets he keeps beneath his shroud of mystery. Maybe I'll even learn something about myself because of this Mystery Boy. Maybe it turns out that I'm a mystery too.

Stiles: Well, that was certainly something.

Scott: So, what do you think?

Stiles: I think it sounds like a mystery worth solving ;)

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