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Stiles: Hi :)

Stiles: Ugh, sorry if I've been messaging you too much today and seem clingy af. I don't mean to be clingy, but I guess it's a part of who I am, especially since not that many people in this world actually care about me.

Stiles: Oh god, I sound super clingy. I'm so sorry. I'll just go do some homework now. Message me when you can, I guess. Take all the time you need.

Scott: Hi Stiles. Sorry for not answering for a while, I've just been dealing with things. Also, you're not clingy. You just want to be a good friend, which I really appreciate. Tbh, I need a good friend right now.

Stiles: Aww, what's wrong?

Scott: Remember my girlfriend that I told you about?

Stiles: Yeah, Allison. I saw her at the party. She really is beautiful.

Scott: Haha, yeah...

Stiles: What happened?

Scott: She cheated on me.

Stiles: What?!

Scott: She kissed some guy she was supposedly helping with French. I should have known something was up. Studying is the oldest trick in the book, after all.

Stiles: Oh... I'm so sorry...

Scott: It's okay. It wasn't your fault.

Stiles: You don't deserve to be cheated on! Allison was crazy for doing that! You seem like the most perfect guy ever! Why would someone throw that away just like that?

Scott: Haha, thanks Stiles, you made me smile :)

Stiles: You're just an innocent puppy that should be protected from everything bad that is in this world.

Scott: Aww, Stiles.

Stiles: It's true though! You really don't deserve to be cheated on. Did you break up with her?

Scott: Yes. Did I make the right decision?

Stiles: Of course! Well, that's just my opinion anyway, don't just use my opinions as a reference, lol.

Scott: Hey, you're opinions are important to me and I trust them. I trust you :)

Stiles: Haha, thanks.

Stiles: Anyway, you deserve better, Scott. And don't worry. Just because it didn't work out with Allison, that doesn't mean you won't fall in love again.

Scott: I loved Allison. I really loved her. I could picture us getting married and everything.

Stiles: But maybe she wasn't your true love. The one that you will be with for the rest of your life. Don't worry Scott, you'll find your true love some day and you will have your happily ever after :)

Scott: I hope so. Hey, what about you? Do you see yourself getting a happily ever after?

Stiles: I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Scott: Dude, you definitely deserve to be happy. I really do hope you find the right girl for you.

Stiles: Yeah, me too...

Stiles: Scott, can I tell you something?

Scott: Of course :)

Stiles: But you have to promise to not judge me.

Scott: Why on earth would I judge you?

Stiles: Just promise me.

Scott: Okay, I promise. What do you want to tell me?

Stiles: I know this is really bad timing and all for me to say this, but...

Scott: ???

Stiles: I'm gay.

Scott: Oh, okay, cool.

Stiles: ...You're not upset?

Scott: Why the hell would I be upset, Stiles? I don't care if you're gay! In fact, I'm really happy that you had the courage to admit it to me. I'm not homophobic at all, I completely support the LGBTQ community. One of my closest friends are bi and they are one of the best people I know. I don't care about your sexuality, your grades or anything else that material people judge you on. I like you for you, Stiles. That won't change. Okay?

Stiles: Okay :)

Stiles: Ah, it feels good to have that off my chest.

Scott: I'm sure it does, haha.

Stiles: I'm sorry about the bad timing.

Scott: Don't worry about it, it's fine. I'm sorry about mentioning you finding the right girl. If I had known, I would have promised that you will find your Prince Charming one day ;)

Scott: Because you will.

Stiles: You think so?

Scott: Of course! Who wouldn't want to be with an amazing guy like you?

Stiles: A lot of people actually...

Scott: Pfft, well those people are idiots. I promise you now, Stiles. You will find someone that will love you unconditionally. We both will. We both will get our happily ever afters.

Stiles: I'd love that. Hopefully sooner rather than later XD

Scott: I agree XD

Scott: Thanks for cheering me up, Stiles. You always seem to make me feel better, even when it seems impossible to not feel better.

Stiles: Anytime, Scotty :)

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