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As the next few weeks go by, Stiles and Scott become even closer while Isaac and Allison become closer. Not that Allison knows about Scott and Stiles, nor does Scott know about Isaac and Allison though. However, Stiles has talked to Isaac, so him and Isaac know exactly what is going on. Malia continues to try and warn them that they are already in too deep. Stiles doesn't want to be the reason why Scott and Allison break up and neither does Isaac. However, Malia is right. The boys are in too deep with this, whether they realize it or not.

Either way, everyone is happy. There is the moment of peace. However, things can't always stay peaceful. Something will always upset the peace and release chaos. What happens first causes a chain reaction. Without this first event, it is highly unlikely that the other events would have followed. It was the domino effect. There are many variables that could have changed the outcomes of the events. Maybe Stiles should have told Scott his real full name? Maybe Isaac should have gone to the Sheriff about his dad? Maybe someone should have stopped Jackson from bullying Stiles? Maybe Kira should have gained the courage to confess her feelings to Malia? It doesn't really matter now. The chain events have already been set off. Everyone just has to go with it and wait out the storm that has come their way.

On this day, Isaac is over at Allison's house, where she is trying to help him with French. The two are taking a small break from the homework. They are laughing and talking about themselves, getting to know each other. Neither Isaac or Allison have felt so relaxed or happy in ages. Especially Isaac. "You know, I really wish I had started talking to you earlier, Isaac." Allison admits after they finish laughing. "Yeah, I wanted to talk to you when you first came to the school, but I was too shy I guess. I didn't think that such a beautiful girl like you would talk to a guy like me." Isaac shrugs.

"Aww, well, I definitely would have talked to you." Allison giggles, blushing slightly at the fact that Isaac called her beautiful. "Thanks for helping me with French by the way. I wouldn't be passing without you." Isaac adds. Allison shuffles closer to him on the sofa. "No problem, Isaac. I'm glad I could help." Allison smiles brightly at her new curly haired friend. "How are you so good at French?" Isaac laughs and shakes his head slightly.

"Well, I guess it helps if you pay attention in class and your family has French origins." Allison shrugs in response.

"I mean, I'm sure France is a great country and all and I would love to go visit it someday, but is learning the language really necessary?" Isaac questions out loud.

"It would be helpful, yes." Allison nods.

"To be honest, I only chose French as a subject because all of the others sucked even more than this, which is saying something." Isaac shrugs, making Allison giggle.

"It's not all that bad, is it?" She asks softly.

"No, not really. I mean, it lead me into meeting you." Isaac says as he gazes into Allison's warm brown eyes as Allison stares back into Isaac's ocean blue eyes. In this moment, everything changes. This one mistake, this one movement. It changes everything. Isaac leans forward slightly and Allison follows suit. Soon, the two of them are kissing, Isaac playing Allison's hair while Allison grips onto Isaac's shirt. The kiss is magical. It's nothing like either of them have felt before. Instead of sparks, it was fireworks. Everything felt right. That is, until Allison remembered that she had a boyfriend. She gasps and quickly pulls away, looking at Isaac with horrified eyes. Isaac feels too scared to breathe. He can't believe he just did that. He kissed Allison Argent, the girlfriend of Scott McCall. "Oh my god," Allison mutters, her terrified eyes wide as her skin pales. Neither teenager has moved again. "Oh my god, I cant believe that just happened." Allison says a little louder this time. Finally coming to her senses, Allison stands up and quickly gathers Isaac's things and places them in his hands. "You have to go. Good luck with the French test tomorrow, Isaac." Allison says as she pulls Isaac to his feet. She guides him towards the door of her house. "Wait, shouldn't we talk about the-" Isaac starts, but Allison quickly interrupts him. "Just go, Isaac! I need some time to think!" Allison shouts. Isaac flinches at her harsh tone, but turns around and walks out of the house. Allison sighs and closes the front door behind him. She leans against the door and slowly slides down it. She hugs her knees close to her chest and groans as she rests her face against her knees. "What the hell have I done?" She whispers shakily, tears slowly falling down her face.

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