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Two days later, Stiles is able to sit up in bed, talk away with people constantly and eat full meals, which means that he has been taken off the drips. The color is also starting to come back to Stiles' skin, making him less pale. His broken ribs are healing slowly, with the help of the pain killers that the doctors are giving him. According to Doctor Trent, after examining Stiles' new x-ray from yesterday morning, his ribs should be fully healed in two weeks. Stiles' nose has also healed, so they have taken the bandages off. The bandages are still wrapped around Stiles's torso though, to protect his ribs and the stab wounds, which have been stitched up. Turns out there wasn't any internal bleeding, thank goodness. The injury on his head (which also has stitches) is healing too and there doesn't appear to be any brain damage, which is also a relief. Doctor Trent admits that Stiles has had it lucky, even with the coma. It all could have been a lot worse. Noah, Melissa, Scott, Malia, Isaac, Kira, Lydia, Liam and Allison are all relieved to see that Stiles is healing well. Stiles can't wait to get out of this damn hospital. The food sucks, but he eats it anyway, knowing that he has to eat something. Stiles' dad did manage to sneak in some McDonald's for him earlier in the afternoon though, which Stiles was happy for.

Stiles is also getting bored. He may have only woken up from a month long coma about 48 hours ago, but Stiles is already bored out of his mind. He read the messages from his friends last night, which made him really emotional, but of course, reading the messages didn't last long, so he was back to being bored. He can barely sit still, despite the doctors' warnings and recommendations for him to stay in bed. He can deal with it easily enough when he has visitors, but because of school and his dad's work, they can't be here all the time, so Stiles is left alone. He turns on the TV to try and entertain him, but nothing good is on. Stiles rolls his eyes and uses the remote to turn the small TV off. Stiles glances out the window where the sun is shining through the window. He can faintly hear the birds chirping outside. Stiles wishes he could be outside right now and hang out with his friends. Or even go to school. Anything is better than sitting in here all day. He's so sick of these plain white walls, the stiff and uncomfortable bed, the hum of machines and the annoying beeping of the heart monitor.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door, which makes Stiles jump a little. He turns around to face the door. "Come in!" Stiles calls out to whoever is behind the door. The person opens the door and walks into the room. It turns out that it was Melissa, pushing along a tray of food and drinks. "Hey, Stiles." Melissa greets Stiles in a kind voice.

"Hi Melissa." Stiles replies with a smile.

"Do you want some afternoon tea?" She asks as she stops the tray of food and drink by Stiles' bed. He looks at the range of choices available. "Mm, I guess I'll have something to eat and drink, yeah. Thanks." Stiles says. Melissa nods and pushes the trolley holding the tray of food and drink closer to Stiles' bed. "Is there anything in particular that you want?" Melissa asks. "Um, I'll have an orange juice... A sandwich... Um, and the yoghurt. Thank you." Stiles decides after a moment. Melissa nods and pours Stiles a glass of orange juice and hands it to him. Stiles smiles gratefully before taking a sip of the orange juice. Melissa takes a seat in the chair besides Stiles' bed. She watches as Stiles places the glass of orange juice down and grabs the sandwich. He starts unwrapping it and then starts eating away at it. "I know hospital food isn't exactly amazing, but thank you for eating it willingly enough. You really need to get your energy back." Melissa begins the conversation. Stiles nods in agreement. "So, how are you feeling today, Stiles?" Melissa asks curiously. Stiles swallows the mouthful of sandwich in his mouth before answering Melissa's question. "Pretty good, I guess. It hurts a little bit to breathe, but I know that's because my ribs are still healing. It's nothing too bad. More like a dull ache as I breathe in." Stiles explains to the nurse. Melissa nods in understanding.

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