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One by one, all of Scott's friends get up and walk with Melissa to Stiles' room to visit him. The length of time they spend with Stiles varies a lot. Malia and Isaac were probably in there for half an hour each. Kira and Allison were in there for about 20 minutes each. Lydia didn't come back down for 15 minutes. Finally, after 10 more minutes, Liam bounds back into the room with a smile on his face. Scott notices a few tears rolling down Liam's cheeks. He must have missed Stiles more than Scott realized. Melissa walks into the room after Liam. She gazes over at Scott with a kind smile. "Do you want to see him, honey?" Melissa asks gently. Scott nods eagerly and quickly gets to his feet. He has been waiting here for a bit over two hours for this moment. "Come on, then." Melissa says, turning to walk out of the room again. Scott hurries after his mother, his heart pounding against his chest. He starts breathing heavily as they walk down the many corridors. Finally, they arrive at the elevator. Melissa presses the 'up' arrow and the two wait for the lift to arrive. With a ding, the elevator opens up. Melissa and Scott step inside. Melissa presses the button that will take them to the third floor, since Stiles has been taken out the ICU now that he's awake. The elevator door slowly closes and the whole thing starts to move upwards. Melissa turns to her son and places a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. Scott looks over to his mom. "Stiles has been really looking forward to seeing you, Scott. You were the first one he asked about when he woke up." Melissa tells Scott. The teenager can't help but smile and blush at that.

"You really mean something to him, Scott." Melissa comments.

"And he really means something to me." Scott replies, still blushing slightly. Suddenly, the elevator dings again and the doors open up, revealing the third floor of the hospital. Scott and Melissa step out of the elevator and start walking quickly to the room that Stiles is staying in. Finally, they reach the room 305. Scott turns to his mother. "Thanks for this, Mom." Scott tells her with a smile. Melissa smiles back at her son.

"Anytime, Scott. If you need anything, don't be afraid to look for me. I won't be too far away." Melissa says, squeezing Scott's shoulder one more time before she turns around and walks down the hall, leaving Scott alone. Scott turns back towards the door. He stares at the knob for a few moments. He doesn't know why he is so uncertain about this all of a sudden. All he has ever wanted for in the last month is for Stiles to wake up. So why was this moment so daunting when it finally came? Scott takes a deep breath and collects himself before reaching out and slowly turning the door handle. The door opens with a slight creak. Scott enters the room, closing the door behind him. He can already hear the annoying beep of the heart monitor. Scott then rushes further into the room and sees Stiles lying in bed, awake, beaming at him. Scott's happy to see that the tube in Stiles' mouth and the ventilator is gone. "Stiles!" Scott cries out in relief as he rushes over to Stiles' bed. He quickly gives Stiles a hug, but is careful not to hold him too hard, in case he hurts him. Stiles hugs back, wrapping his arms tightly around Scott's back. "Scott." Stiles mumbles, closing his eyes in relief. "Don't ever fall into a coma again." Scott whispers shakily.

"I wasn't planning on it." Stiles chuckles quietly in response. Eventually, Scott pulls away and sits down in the chair beside Stiles' bed. He looks down at his boyfriend and almost immediately starts crying. Scott tries to wipe his tears away, but they just keep on falling. His body racks with sobs, no matter how hard Scott tries to stop himself. Tears well up in Stiles' eyes too. Well, one of Stiles' eyes anyway. His right eye is still closed, swollen and black. Stiles gives Scott a soft smile. Stiles reaches out to grab Scott's hand, which Scott happily accepts. Scott squeezes Stiles' delicate and pale hand comfortingly. "It's so good to see you!" Scott cries in relief with the biggest smile on his face.

"It's good to see you too, Scotty." Stiles replies in a gentle voice, not wanting to strain himself.

"God, I thought I had lost you. I really did. I was so lost and alone. I didn't know what to do-" Scott begins to ramble, but Stiles interrupts him before he can go any further. "But you didn't lose me. I'm right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere." Stiles assures his boyfriend confidently. Scott lets out a relieved sound that is a mixture of a laugh and cry. Scott sniffles and wipes away his tears since they have stopped falling so regularly. "Okay." Scott nods, letting out a huge breath that he didn't even know that he was holding in. Stiles squeezes Scott's hand back. Scott notices that Stiles is still fairly badly bruised, but at least all the cuts have scabbed over or have even started fading away. "H-how are you feeling?" Scott asks a little shakily.

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