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Two and a half long and painfully drawn out hours later, Melissa finally walks back into the waiting room. Everyone jumps to their feet immediately, hearts racing wildly against their chests as they wait for the news. Melissa breaks out into a smile. "Stiles is stable." She says and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Scott starts tearing up again.

"However," Melissa says, her smile fading a little. Oh god, there's always a negative isn't there, Scott thinks to himself. His heart feels like it is in his throat. "It appears that Stiles is falling into a coma." Melissa sighs sadly.

"What?!" Scott, Noah, Malia and Isaac all shout at the same time. The others just look shocked. Scott feels like he is about to cry for what feels like the 50th time today. "The doctors have tried waking him up, but they have had no luck so far. I'm really sorry." Melissa informs Stiles' father and the group of distraught teenagers.

"He's going to wake up eventually though... Right?" Scott asks his mom hopefully, barely holding back his sobs. Melissa just sighs and looks down. "There's no guarantee of that, Scott. Comas are mysterious things. There are no definite answers about how or if people wake up from comas." Melissa finally says.

"But we are trying everything we can to wake Stiles up, I promise you that. I want him to be okay just as much as the rest of you." Melissa assures the group. Scott's legs start shaking and he feels like he might collapse to the ground. Scott can't believe that this is happening. Stiles, his boyfriend... One of the few people in his life that he cares the most about... Might never wake up. "Is he... Is he in pain?" The Sheriff asks shakily as tears roll down his face. Melissa smiles softly and shakes her head. "No, he's not in pain. We have given him some pain medication which should help ease any pain. He's actually very healthy for someone that has sustained the injuries he has." Melissa says to the group. A horrible, sickening silence fills the room. "Can I see him?" Noah asks hopefully after a few more moments.

"Of course. Follow me." Melissa nods and then leads Noah out of the room. Now that the Sheriff and his mother are gone, Scott collapses into the floor, crying heavily. He doesn't understand how the world could be so cruel and hurt someone as precious and innocent as Stiles. Lydia goes over to try and comfort Scott, but it doesn't work very well. Eventually though, his crying and sobbing slowly turns into sniffles and then finally into deep breathing. Scott tired himself out from the crying so much that he actually fell asleep on the floor. Lydia sits next to him, whispering about how everything is going to be okay. She's trying to assure herself of that just as much as she is trying to assure Scott. Allison clings onto Isaac, both of them with tears in their eyes. Liam hangs his head low, wishing that he knew Stiles better. Sure, he was his friend now, but Liam should have gotten to know him more. Malia buries her face into Kira's shirt, sobbing uncontrollably. Kira hugs her girlfriend tightly, barely able to hold herself together. However, Kira luckily manages to keep the tears away and stays strong for Malia. The girl in question clings onto her girlfriend for dear life as her world crashes down around her. Malia can't believe that this is happening. One of her very best friends is falling into a coma that he might not wake up from. Malia feels like she can't even breathe. She wishes she was there to protect Stiles from whoever did this to him, but of course she got to him just a little bit too late. The only sounds that can be heard in the waiting room are the quiet cries and sniffles.

About an hour later, Melissa and the Sheriff walk back into the waiting room. Noah's eyes are bloodshot and his breathing is shaky, but at least he isn't crying anymore. Melissa holds onto his arm and makes him turn to her. "Are you sure you're alright, Sheriff?" Melissa asks in concern. Noah nods in response.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, Melissa. I'll come back tomorrow to see him. I wish I could stay longer, but if I want to keep my Sheriff title, I need to get back to work. Besides, I know that Stiles is in the best care possible." Noah replies. The two adults then glance over at the grieving teenagers. The Sheriff's eyes land on Scott's form lying on the floor, still asleep. He exchanges a look with Melissa. "I think Scott should see Stiles first." The Sheriff tells Melissa quietly. The nurse nods in agreement. She says goodbye to Noah before he leaves the room. He gives a quick wave to the kids before walking away. He sighs as he walks out of the hospital, hoping and praying that his son will be okay. Melissa walks over to Lydia and Scott. She kneels down beside her son. Lydia shuffles backs little, giving the nurse a little more room. Melissa gently shakes her son. "Scott, wake up." Melissa says softly. Scott doesn't respond, so Melissa shakes him again.

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