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Isaac: Hey Stiles...

Isaac: I know you can't answer this until you wake up, but Scott thought that this might make me feel better. There's no harm in trying, right?

Isaac: Anyway, I miss you. Duh. Of course I miss you. You're my best friend after all, dude.

Isaac: Thanks for always sticking by me, even in the toughest of times.

Isaac: You and Malia are the best things that ever happened to me. Allison is one of the best too, but that's different. She's my girlfriend. You're my best friend.

Isaac: I know it hasn't always been easy, with my dad abusing me, Malia finding out that she was actually adopted, or when your mom died and your dad turned to alcohol for a while.

Isaac: But the three of us all stuck by each other, no matter what. I couldn't ask for better friends.

Isaac: You always know how to make me laugh, smile and cheer me up. It doesn't take much, really. Just a few sarcastic comments or classic Stiles jokes and then bam. I feel better.

Isaac: Oh god, it sounds like I'm saying goodbye forever. But I'm not.

Isaac: You're going to wake up. I know it.

Isaac: You just have to. For everyone's sakes.

Isaac: I don't want to graduate high school without you, man. It wouldn't feel right. We've been together since elementary school. You and Malia befriended me when I moved to Beacon Hills when I was 7 or 8.

Isaac: You definitely made a difference in my life, which I'm so thankful for.

Isaac: You didn't deserve this to happen to you, Stiles.

Isaac: I wish I was there for you. I'm sorry I wasn't.

Isaac: I promise that I'll visit every day while you're in hospital, as I'm sure everyone else will too.

Isaac: Don't give up, Stiles. I need you.

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