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Stiles groans in dismay when he sees that some of the lights are on in his house as he pulls up out the front. His dad must be awake. Stiles gets out of the car and trudges towards the house, hoping that he won't get into too much trouble. Stiles slowly opens the door and quietly walks inside, shutting the door behind him. Almost immediately, Stiles' father steps into the hall and folds his arms, glaring at his son. "Where were you, Stiles?" Noah asks suspiciously. Stiles looks down at the ground, scuffing the floor with his shoe. "Um, well you see..." Stiles trails off, still not looking at his father. The Sheriff walks closer to his son, making Stiles finally look up at him. Stiles finally notices that his dad is in his Sheriff's uniform. "Please don't tell me you were at that party that I am receiving heaps of complaints about. I already sent the deputy to investigate, but I'm about to head there now. According to Deputy Parrish, it has gotten really out of hand and it's not just a noise issue." Noah groans.

"Um, well, yes and no." Stiles begins. His dad raises an eyebrow at Stiles.

"Would you care to elaborate, Stiles? Or do you just want to skip to the stage where I ground you?" The Sheriff frowns.

"Well, I wasn't at the party at first. I was here, sleeping," Stiles starts to explain. Noah nods, curious to see where his son's story will lead. "But then I woke up at 4am because someone was texting me." Stiles continues.


"Oh, uh, just some friend." Stiles mumbles, his cheeks tinged pink slightly.

"What's the name of this friend?" Noah asks, noticing Stiles' reluctance to give out details.

"Scott McCall." Stiles replies. Noah nods in response, a little surprised. He didn't think Stiles was friends with Scott, but clearly he was wrong. The Sheriff knew Scott's dad many years ago and knew that he wasn't a great guy. He hopes that Scott isn't like his father, for both Scott and Stiles' sake. "So, what happened?" Noah Stilinski questions his son.

"Well, it was clear in his texts that he was drunk. He was at the party at Jackson's house. I was worried. Scott told me I should come over, so I decided to go and check out how bad things were getting. I also thought that I better take Scott home, since it was clear that he was too intoxicated to get home himself. Once I got to Jackson's house, it was clear things weren't going well. Parrish was right. The party was out of control. I'm surprised it hasn't already been shut down. I managed to find Scott and he was completely out of it. He's going to have a horrible hangover in a few hours. I took him away from the party and drove Scott to his house. I walked up with him to his room and put him into bed. I made sure to put him in the recovery position so he won't drown in vomit while he's asleep as he would if he was on his back and threw up. I put pillows in place to try and stop him rolling over too. I made sure he was alright before I left. Then, I drove back home and here we are now." Stiles explains. His dad looks impressed.

"Wow, I'm really proud of you, son. You did the right thing." Stiles' Dad smiles, causing the hyperactive teenager to blush a little. "Thanks, Dad." Stiles mumbles.

"This Scott character is very lucky to have a caring friend like you." The Sheriff adds.

"Yeah, I guess so." Stiles replies. Noah pats his son comfortingly on the shoulder.

"Even though I'm unhappy with you leaving the house at four in the morning, I am happy that you were looking out for your friend. I won't ground you this time and just let you off on a warning. If anything like this happens again, let me know first, okay? We'll be able to sort it out together." Sheriff Stilinski says. Stiles nods in agreement, surprised that his dad let him off that easy. "Okay, thanks Dad. I'll see you in the morning then." Stiles replies.

"Yeah, hopefully it shouldn't take too long. Get some rest, Stiles. I'll see you later. Call me if you need me." Stiles' dad says as he walks to the door. "I'm not five anymore, Dad. I can take care of myself." Stiles groans in annoyance.

"I know, I know, but I'm just putting the offer out there if you need it." Noah chuckles before exiting the house, leaving Stiles alone. Stiles waits until he hears his dad's car drive away before turning off the lights downstairs and then walks upstairs to his bedroom. He trudges in, a wave of tiredness washing over him. Stiles is not a morning person, so getting up at 4am to drag someone away from a drug and alcohol filled party was not something Stiles ever wanted to do at this time of day, but whatever. The guy that Stiles is falling hard for needed help and the young Stilinski wasn't just going to sit around, hoping that someone else would help Scott for him. Stiles sighs happily once he has kicked off his shoes, turned off the light and jumps into his own bed. He snuggles under the covers and closes his eyes. It doesn't take long for him to fall asleep again with a smile on his face, dreaming of Scott.

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