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The next couple of weeks seem to fly past for Stiles. Jackson has seemingly decided to leave Stiles alone for a while, much to Stiles' relief. Isaac and Malia had found Stiles in the nurse's office that day, but he just told him the same lie he told Scott. They believed it too. Stiles is good at keeping secrets. Stiles assumes that time seems to be speeding up for him because of all the text messages between him and Scott. The two message each other at least once a day. They've gotten closer and Stiles really does consider Scott one of his friends now, even if they don't see each other face to face. Stiles is pleasantly surprised that Scott hasn't lost interest yet. He would have thought he would have found something better to do than to text the clingy gay weirdo, also known as Stiles. Not that Scott knows who that is, of course. Not really. He still can't put a face to the name of his message friend.

Scott still asks Stiles about his real name and his last name, but each time, Stiles doesn't answer. Slowly, Scott has stopped asking as much, but he hasn't given up on finding out though. He will find out someday. He knows he will. Scott will make sure of it. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Anyway, the messaging between him and Stiles has put Scott into a happier mood than he has been for a while. He appreciates the more simple things and has a more positive attitude. Allison, his friends and his mom have noticed this change in him. They are glad to see Scott so happy. One time, his mom asked him what is the reason behind his new spur of happiness, but Scott just smiles and shakes his head, not giving his mom an answer. For some reason, he likes keeping the messages between him and Stiles a secret. It's like their own little escape from reality. Their own little paradise. Scott hopes that maybe one day he will be able to meet Stiles face to face. He wants to hear his laugh. To see his smile. To finish solving the mystery.

Tonight, there is a lacrosse game. Stiles is very keen to see it. He has seen a few games before, but this one will be different, now that he has actually been talking to Scott and has even bumped into him face to face, even if Scott didn't know who he was. Malia really wants to go too. Kira has recently joined the team and Malia is excited to see her crush play. She wants to cheer for her from the sidelines. To call out encouragement out to her. To know that she has support. Isaac wants to go to, but not for anyone playing on the field. He knows that Allison will be there to support Scott. Maybe this is his chance to talk to her and become friends with her? He knows that he can't be anymore than friends with her, but that's okay. Isaac can accept that. The three friends are sitting in Stiles' house, talking excitedly about the game that will be starting in a couple of hours. Suddenly, Stiles' phone goes off. Malia and Isaac raise their eyebrows at Stiles, who blushes in response. Stiles then pulls out his phone and checks his messages. "Let me guess. It's a message from Scott." Isaac smirks. "Yeah, yeah, shut up, curly." Stiles replies before throwing a cushion at Isaac's face, muffling his protests. Malia laughs at her best friends' actions. Stiles looks down and focuses on his phone.

Scott: So, I have a lacrosse game tonight. I forgot to tell you that I'm captain of my school's lacrosse team.

Stiles: Really? Cool. You must be an awesome player!

Scott: Yeah, I guess am, especially for someone who has asthma.

Stiles: You have asthma?

Scott: Yeah, it can be a real setback at times, but I get through it.

Stiles: That's good to hear.

Stiles: Well, I wish you luck tonight then. I hope your team wins!

Scott: Yeah, Coach will kill us if we lose.

Stiles: Oh, yeah, that sounds like great fun.

Scott: Oh, yeah, totally XD

Stiles: I'll come to your funeral buddy. RIP.

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