Chapter 1

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Hamilton's POV

This was scary. Not as scary though. This was my first day at a real school. I was mostly home schooled. My mom taught me how to read before she died. Then everything was self-taught from there.

I sigh and looked up at the school. Westiburger high school. Before I could go into any of my classes I had to go to the main office. I was a let's say, special foreign student.

Since I just moved to America and knew nobody to live with they assigned me to live with one of the teachers here. Mr. Washington I think it was.

It was 6:00am and I was the only student at the school. Should I just knock on the door? I put down my two packed suitcases and knock on the front doors. After awhile of waiting a man around 6'4 stood in front of me.

"Hello?" His British accent flicked on his tongue. A funny image popped into my head. I can just imagine him dress like a British king. I mentally laugh and decided to answer him.

"Um... I'm the new foreign exchange student, Alexander Hamilton." I said with all respect. Had to make a good first impression.

"Ah, I see. You were supposed to come here early to figure out everything." He spoke. I don't know about you but I heard a little of disgust in his tone. I mentally shrugged it off and nodded.

"Come in, I'll have a teacher show you around." He lead me to the main office. Dang this school looked nice.

I heard him gasp in realization. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I won't give my real name but people call me King George. Im the Principal." He introduced himself. Wired, why didn't he want to give his real name?

"Why do they call you King George?" I questioned. He gave me a glare and then smiled.

"Why do you need to know?" He shot back jokingly. What a dick. After awhile of awkward scilence we made it. He swung the dark wooden doors to the main office. I don't know why but I was distracted by the tiles on the floor.

"Alex, this is George Washington. You will be staying in his house for your senior year." He said in a presentation tone.

I looked up to see a man around 6'3 looking up at me. My heart stopped for a second. Holy fucking shit! God took his time on him!
He had beautiful chocolate eyes and wore a dark navy blue suit that fit him quite well. I don't know why, but I kinda just stared into his eyes. I felt a safe presence when I was with him.

I felt my face flush and decided to snap out of it. "H-Hello sir, My name is Alexander Hamilton." I stuttered out. Shit Alex, your such a weirdo!

A sweet smile formed on his face. "Nice to meet you Alexander. I hope you have a fun time here at westiburger high." He said cheerfully. I simply just smiled because I didn't know what else to do.

~Timeskip cause I'm trash that can't write~

"And that is basically the basics of the school." He finished off the tour. Honestly I didn't pay attention, I was too busy admiring Mr.Washington. Alex your such a freak! Why the hell are you thinking about your teacher like that?!

I think he could tell I was nervous. He turn to face me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, you will fit right in." He said giving me a calming smile.

"T-Thanks Sir" I stuttered. He gave a small friendly laugh and started to walk to his room. I looked at my phone to check the time. 6:55am. People should be arriving soon.

"WATCH OUT!!!" I heard a man yell. I turned around and saw a foot ball come in my direction, Mostly towards my face. I panicked and stood their like a idiot. As expected, It hit me. The hit was hard but it wasn't enough to give me a bloody nose or any injury.

"Ow! Mother fucker!" I flinched in pain, holding my cheek. I heard two guys run to me.

"Oh my god, Are you okay?!" one guy said. He had a nice, thick but calming French accent. I looked up and saw one gay at 5'10 and another standing at 5'11. The guy at 5'10 had black hair in a ponytail/man bun. The other had a gray beanie over his head but I could tell his hair was black.

"Yeah, Im Fine." I said rubbing my cheek. It hurt like hell but I didn't want to cry my eyes out on there first, as much as I want to.

"Were so sorry, If my boyfriend wasn't so clumsy this wouldn't have have happened." He said giving a striking glare at the taller guy.

"Anyway... You new here? I haven't seen you here before." The taller man Asked. I simple nodded and folded them it was my first day and all that shit.

"You will fit right in! As long as you don't tell anyone about you staying with a teacher, Which your doing a terrible job at. But don't worry, we have no interest on blackmailing you... Yet." The taller man said.

"Im Hercules Mulligan but call me Hercules. And this is... Just call him Lafayette." They introduced themselves.

"Yeah, My real name is longer than my dick!" Lafayette Bragged. Hercules Smiled as I could tell he came up with a joke.

"Must be a very small name." Hercules laughed. I joined in and laughed. Lafayette just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

This was going to be a long year...

(Sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense...)

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