Shy Boy (Lay)

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HAPPY 3,000 VIEWS AND (almost) 200 VOTES!!! Sorry I haven't been updating in the last few days! I've been really busy now and then. . . BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT. If you've heard of the song "Shy Boy" by Secret, then you'll know how this is going to go :D (If you don't know it, I'll post it on the side). I just thought Lay was so perfect for this too!


"So your assignment is to construct a dance routine with a partner." Your P.E. teacher announced "Note that he/she must be the opposite gender from you."

You class scattered around the gym, trying to find to find someone to partner up with. Girlfriend-Boyfriend, Girl-Guy friends, etc. You didn't bother looking for one and remained standing. You saw Lay doing the same thing as you were, and decided to walk up to him.

"Hey Lay." You said 

"AH!" He jumped "U-Uh. . . C-Can I help you with something?"

"You seem to not have a dance partner." You said "You wanna just go with me?" 

"Well. . . I-I dunno." Lay said nervously looking down at his feet "I'm not much of a dancer."

"Eh, that's okay." You smiled "I don't dance much either, but I think we can figure something out. So whaddaya say?" 

He looked around nervously before taking a deep breath "Okay, I'll try my best. . ."

"That's great!" You grinned patting him in the back roughly "I'll see you around so we can work on it!" 

 Few days later. . .

You slammed your locker closed after taking all the books you needed out. As you walked around, you caught Lay with a bunch of other boys picking on him.

"See you later, unicorn!" One of them teased ruffling Lay's hair. Soon the boys left and it was only him.

"Sometimes I just want to kill you. . ." He mumbled to himself 

"Kill them?" You smirked 

Lay jumped and quickly turned his head to find you smiling and crossing your arms "N-NO NO NO NO NO, YOU DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING!!!" He exclaimed taking a step back from you.

You laughed "I wouldn't blame you for wanting to though. I would murder them too, so don't worry." 

"This is so going to ruin my reputation around here. . ." Lay sighed "Please do not tell anyone about what I just said."

"Why? Because you're usually the shy boy?" You asked 

"Mhm. That's how everyone should me." He nodded "I really can't speak up for myself." 

"Well for one thing, I think you're pretty great!" You kissed his cheek trying to make him feel better "See you later, Lay." 

As you left, his mouth hung open while waving at you blankly.

Next Day Dismissal. . . 

It was already pretty late and no one was around the corridors but you. Suddenly, you heard this strange noise. Like some sort of beat or rythym. Your followed the sound and lead you to a ballet room. The door was slightly open, so you decided to peep through it. 

You saw a student dancing to the song. The way his body followed the lyrics was just amazing. You never in your entire life seen anybody this good.

'What's he doing here so late?' You thought.

You slowly walked in without him noticing you all all. He was too concentrated on what he was doing.

"Erm, excuse me sir?" You called

He quickly stopped everything he was doing after he heard your voice "Ho-How long were you there?" He said in some weird tone and covering his face with his cap. He didn't even bother to face you.

"What are you doing here? It's extremely late to be staying here!" You said. You walked towards him, removing the cap he used to cover his face. 

"LAY?!" You shouted with your eyes widened 

"SHSHSHSHSHSHHSH!!!" He said clamping his hand to your mouth "Don't. Say. A word." 

"It's not like anyone's here but you and me." You said through his hand 

Lay sighed and removed his hand from your mouth "So, what do you want to know?"


He scratched the back of his head, turning red "I dance, okay?! You don't have to be so surprised about it."


"Okay! Okay!" Lay laughed "At least we won't have such a hard time with our project." 

You liked his side of him, He opened up a lot more to you than before, hence he now smiles and laughs.

"Why do you dance anyway? What the story behind all this?" You asked 

Lay shrugged "I find it some way to express what I feel."

"Like killing someone?"

"Yeah. Like killing someone." He smiled "It's not all about anger though. Sometimes it's something else. . ."

"Oooohhhh, like love?" You gushed "I never thought you liked someone."

 "Yah! I never said anything!" Lay shouted turning red "I do not like anyone at the moment!"

"Even after I kissed you?" You asked 

"ARRGGHH! DO NOT. REMIND ME." He screamed turning red again 

You laughed "Now you're being mean. You really won't admit anything to me, will you?"

"Maybe not now." Lay grinned "You did say I am a shy boy." 

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