Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Hospital –the following morning…

"She is ready to accept visitors now…" a nurse said.


The doctor was propped upright by pillows, her head bandaged.

"I have been told that is my name but…I don't remember everything is blurry," she paused almost squinting at Rikki, "Do I know you?"

"Yeah, were the…" Rikki began, Zane shoved her, and so she stopped and turned to him,

"She can't remember you or anything, this may be the break from her you guys were looking for," he whispered. She nodded catching the hint. She turned back to Denman.

"You are Dr Linda Denman, a marine biologist who is in the Gold Coast for fish counts and other such things, and we are the people who found you unconscious on your back, you must have had a fall, all your crew were on Mako Island surveying the area." Rikki lied, "but to refresh your memory our names are Rikki and Zane."

"I do recognise you though; you're very familiar, like I know you well..."

"That'd be because we saw each other every day at the docks, beach or my cafe," Rikki said quickly,

"Okay then," Denman smiled oblivious to past events.

"Times up" The nurse popped her head around the door, "Linda needs her rest,"

Once Rikki and Zane had left the room, in the hallway the nurse told them,

"Linda has severe amnesia,"

"That, we assumed," Rikki interrupted,

"She will probably never regain all her memories," the nurse continued ignoring Rikki's rude remark,

"The memories from the past few years may be gone for good."

Rikki grimaced; she hadn't known they had done that much damage at the moon pool the day before. Even so this was a great chance for the girls to be rid of the marine biologist for good; she couldn't help but feel guilty at this thought.

Rikki and Zane met up with the others back at their cafe. Everyone was very grim.

"How is she?" Cleo asked, very worried.

"Bad or good news?" Rikki asked the two tables of her friends

"Surprise me." Emma said

"Linda Denman has a bad bump on her head and a gash and has managed to acquire amnesia," Rikki replied, "But, the good news is that she can't remember anything at all, not even her own name, well she knows that now but still. This means that we probably will never have to worry about her again."

"The nurse said she may never regain the memories she has had within the past few years," Zane interrupted

"Yup, Just make sure we don't help trigger any memories for her," Rikki concluded with a half smile

The group weren't so glum after that but they did feel sorry for Denman. But she did deserve it – right?

The days after that were quite quiet and uneventful, until the day of Cleo and Lewis' wedding...

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