30. Heart Break (Daveed x Reader)

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Things had been rough lately. Daveed was busy with his rapping career while you were still in New York working on your college degree. Everything felt different now. Especially since Daveed was here all the time. You had only started dating him when he was in Hamilton.

Your relationship back then was perfect or goals as some people would say, usually Lin. You were even friends with all of the cast and crew. After the shows would get over late at night when you were already home in bed Daveed would still come over. He would always bring you something or leave a note that he came to check if you were okay. Everyday he would call you just to hear your voice.

Those days were gone and it seemed like Daveed wasn't there anymore. There were no phone calls. He hadn't visited in months. Not even a video chat. You could hardly get a text from him every three days.

Today was the breaking point. You had just got back to your apartment from a long day of assigned work to do and people being rude. Your best friend had been ignoring you through this time to top it all off. Everything was wrong and you couldn't contain your feelings in your head any longer.

You grabbed your phone from your bag and dialed Daveed's number. You didn't even know where in the world he was right now from his lack of communication so you didn't even know if he'd pick up. The phone rang in your hand for what felt like forever until it was picked up.

"Hello?" he asked into the phone.

"Hey." that was all you managed to say while you were still standing there on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Did you need anything?" Daveed asked making you take deep breaths.

'He doesn't even care.' you thought.

"I just...I miss you. I haven't had the greatest day." you said into the phone then heard some laughing in the background and Daveed saying something not even paying attention to the phone call.

"Oh yeah." Daveed laughed into the phone.

"Were you even listening?" a tear slid down your face as you asked the question.

"Yeah. Of course." he said in a fake caring voice. You couldn't hold back anymore. It's obvious that he's already thrown the towel in for this relationship. This can't be a one sided relationship anymore.

"Why are you like this?"

"What?" Daveed asked dumbfounded.

"You don't care anymore. I don't matter to you anymore. You hardly talk to me or text and we used to talk all night with each other." you said to him. It was silent for a moment before he spoke up.

"Y/N it's just you know..." the line went silent for a minute.

"Go on then, tell me." tears were falling from your eyes and you felt your heart breaking with every second,"Tell me you don't love me."

Silence was all you heard. Emptiness and heartbreak filled the air.

You were right. He didn't care. Even worse he didn't love you anymore.

Then you thought of the last time you actually saw him.


"I'm going to call everyday. Okay?" Daveed said holding your hands.

"Promise?" you smiled up at him.

"I promise." he smiled back,"I love you baby. I got to go."

"I love you too. Stay safe."

"I love you!" he shouted back at you going into the airport to leave.


"I'm sorry Y/N."

That was all he said. That was it. Nothing else.

You ended the call. Anger and heartbreak was all you felt and you were about to explode with all of that emotion. All you did the rest of that night was go over all of your memories. You had spent over one year of your life with him. He knew everything. He was always there back then and now he doesn't even care that he just broke your heart.


Fun fact this basically happened to me but instead of Daveed it was my best friend of 3 years. So yeah that's how my life's going.

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