Lin Bit 1

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"I didn't do it I swear!" he said as he walked further away from you in the dressing room. 

"Well I don't know how that's possible because my phone has now been spammed with selfies of your face. Care to explain that?" I asked him holding up my phone filled with hundreds of selfies.

"No." he said quietly.

I sighed,"Now I have to delete all of them."

"No!" Lin spoke up.

"What do you mean no? I'm about to run out of storage and it's my phone." I told him and he looked defeated.

"At least keep the good ones."


"Long day at work?" I asked as I looked up at my phone to see Lin walk into the living room space. 

He sighed and sat down next to me,"I just want to finish this musical so bad but I'm just stuck on this one song."

"I'm sure it will come to you soon. You just need to wait and the idea will come to you and it will work perfectly with everything." I told him.

"You think so?" Lin asked taking his hair out of his ponytail.

"Of course." I told him and he smiled at me and laid his head on my shoulder as the TV played in the background.


The rain poured down hard on the streets of New York City. Tonight Lin and I were supposed to go out on our 6 month anniversary date but the weather decided against that. As I was looking out the window my phone vibrated next to me. I looked down at it and saw that it was a text from Lin.

Lin : I miss you so much Y/N, why can't the weather clear up just for us

I smiled at my phone and texted him back.

Y/N : I miss you too we can have another date soon I promise

Lin : you know what?

Y/N : what Lin?

Lin : screw the weather.

Y/N : what??

I waited for a reply but nothing came as I sat on the couch watching Netflix. Dear god I hope Lin didn't go out into this weather. I slumped down and sighed from tiredness. Right after I closed my eyes someone knocked on my door. Immediately I got up and walked over to open it.

"Lin!" I yelled as I saw a slightly wet Lin outside of my apartment,"What are you doing here?" 

"Umbrellas are really helpful when it's down pouring and I want to see my girlfriend." Lin smiled.


These parts are really easy for me to write right now because I'm super busy and I just started school. I hope you realize that these are just really short pieces of what could be a bigger story or imagine. I just think they're cute and I miss writing.

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