• Dating Lin

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Dating Lin Would Include :

- him always hoggin the damn blankets and you wake up at 4 in the morning wondering why your body temp is like -2

- saving each other as super cute things in both of your phones

- couple everything. couple shirts, couple bracelets, couple phone cases. everything

- one time he went out to buy you ice cream bc he knew that you had a long day and when you came back the container was about half full and he has strawberry cream all over his lips. that just gave you reason to make out with him though so crisis averted

- you just enjoy listening to him laugh so screw it if you look like an idiot, u gonna be making dumb ass faces at him from across the room

- you two always like ON each other when you sleep. legs tangled, fingers intertwined, his face buried in your neck and your hair fanned out all over the pillows. Daveed had to wake you two up once and he didn't know where Lin ended and you began.

- you both like just sitting on park benches late at night and talking about life in general

- him setting your ringtone different from everyone so whenever y'all are being cute and texting each other from the same room, you hear that different little ding and smile really big

- your favorite hobby is running your hands through each others' hair

- watching a movie? ur most likely on Lin's lap and he's like, trying to braid your hair

- sometimes you two will just be laying on the living room floor waiting for the dinner to finish and you're just gazing lovingly at each other and messing each other's hair up and you don't even care because nothing could ever ruin this moment, he makes your life 200 times better and you do the same for him

It just feels like a Lin day really. I'll probably have the q and a up tomorrow to give more time for questions. Thanks for everything!

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