4. I Love Him (Lafayette x Reader)

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"I just don't think he's right for you. You need a man who will be there for you. Not some man fighting in a different place around war. I don't understand why you love someone who does that." Your mother says as if she wants to hurt you.

You sit still for a moment trying not to explode with anger as she just looks at you smug waiting for your response.

"Lafayette is loyal. He would never hurt me. You just choose not to see how much he cares." with that you stand up and walk into the other room trying to avoid a fight you know is coming.

"He may not hurt you. But he could get killed, then who do you have to take care of you? no one." She says standing in the doorway.

Your mom never saw eye to eye with you about being with Lafayette.She always thought that a man should be at home and not at war if he truly loves the girl.

"I know but... I love him."

"But." She interrupts.

"You can't give up on a person you love."

You leave her house not wanting to get in to deep. She'll come around eventually. Well hopefully.

You get back to your house to find Lafayette on the couch taking a nap. You couldn't help but lay next to him. He smiles as he realises that you had gotten home. Slowly opening his beautiful eyes to see your face.

"How was it at your mother's?" he asks sleepily.

"Not good. But it's okay." you tell him as he wraps his arms around you kissing you then sighing. The expression on his face reads that he's hurt. How could he not be? His soon to be mother-in-law hates him.

"It'll be okay." You tell him giving him a small smile.

"I hope so." Laf says kissing you again making you giggle a little

"Je t'aime." He whispers in your ear.

"Je t'aime aussi." 

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