26. Amusement Park (Peggy x Reader)

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Writer : hamilton-one-shots.tumblr.com


"Come on!" Peggy whines, tugging you along behind her by your hand. "The line is gonna be huge!"

"Are you sure it's a good idea to ride a roller coaster two fucking seconds after lunch?" you ask, rolling your eyes at her antics.

"I told you. I'm getting you over your fear of roller coasters today. I will force you onto the coaster, even though I don't have back up today."

"I rode that one roller coaster earlier! When we first got here!" you say indignantly.

"Doesn't count. No loops."


You had thought a trip to the amusement park with all your friends would be fun, a little break from the stress of life, some time to have a bit of fun. It hadn't gone exactly according to plan. The first bump in the road occurred when it turned out that two out of the four people in your group had been unable to come on the day you had already planned out, nor any other day that week. Even though they had insisted you go without them, you still felt awful for leaving them behind. The second mistake was offhandedly mentioning your fear of roller coasters to Peggy on the way. From the moment she declared she would cure you, you knew you were fucked.

As you approach the front of the queue for the largest roller coaster in the park, you grow more and more nervous. You're positively quivering as you reach your turn, and, as you climb into the cart, your doubts about the ride triple. Seeming to notice your fear, Peggy turns to you in an attempt to provide last-minute reassurance.

"If you get scared, just grab my hand. You'll be fine."

Offering a weak smile in return, your head snaps to look forward as you feel the coaster lurch to a start. As you begin to ascend the hill, more and more of the park comes into view as the wind whips around your face. You crest the hill, the cart pausing for a second, and as the tension reaches a crescendo, you give in, reaching over to snatch up the offered hand. You squeeze your eyes shut, missing the delighted smile from your riding buddy as the coaster careens downwards. You involuntarily let out a small yelp as the cart turns sharply to the left, and you can feel the gravity shift as it goes into what you assume is the first loop.

Eyes still shut tight, you inch closer to the whooping rider next to you, still clutching at her hand. You feel the sensation of a few more loops, and at this point, you give up any semblance of courage you may have had left. The coaster zooming about madly wins as you give in, wrapping your free arm around Peggy, her frame shaking with laughter and cries of joy. You bury your face in her neck for solace, and you feel a wave of relief as you feel the ride start to slow.

After disembarking, Peggy turns to you grinning as you exit the area. "Let's go check out the pictures!" At this point, she's already dragging you to the kiosk housing screen upon screen of frightened faces. Searching for yours, you feel a wave of embarrassment as you see the picture was taken toward the end of the ride, depicting you clinging to Peggy for dear life. She laughs at this then turns to you as you walk away, still grinning as she says, "I see I didn't cure you of your fear. How about I treat you to cotton candy for humoring me?

You feign a swoon, grinning as you reply, "Cotton candy? Truly a woman after my own heart."

"Hey how about you go ahead to wait in line, I forgot something by the ride." You shrug and head to the nearby concession stand. With your back turned, already observing the sugary treats being made for those ahead in the queue, you don't notice Peggy turn sharply on her course, away from the exit to the ride. You miss it as she returns to the photo kiosk, ordering two framed copies of your photo from the ride. And you certainly don't see her glance warmly over at you in line as she slips them into her purse.

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